+14 votes
in Venting by (773k points)
the last 2 hours, I couldnt stop crying.

Basically I am failing math (65) and Im barely passing reading (78)
I want to cry. Why I was I born to be stupid in stuff thats usefull.

Why did I find a random book series about Swedish people in Minnesota interesting but something typical that girls my age will like boring

Why Cant I be talented

I also have anxiety about the talent show and my Youtube channel, so maybe I should just cry and quit everything.

I need to get good grades. I want to go to Minnesota so badly (cuz Nordicfest) and I need to be smart in Math and Reading and not some random group of countries only like 3 people care about
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa s l o w down.You don't have to be "perfect" at EVERYTHING. I don't have good focus and I am HORRIBLE at math and no one is perfect so like me you should just do your best.
by (773k points)
This is old lol

11 Answers

+4 votes
by (949k points)
Best answer
But you ARE talented. Look at it: you might not be passing math (yet), but you have basically infinite knowledge about Nordic countries. And WAY more people than 3 care about Nordic countries. You just have to find them.

And you just can’t quit! Quitting something you love will NOT, and I repeat, NOT work. And about your YouTube channel, if you wanna take a break, then take a break! (Make sure to let your fans know) But don’t quit your channel! Because it’s awesome!
by (773k points)
Idk any jobs with Nordic countries
by (949k points)
A genealogist? Because I’m pretty sure that’s a real job.
+1 vote
by (209k points)
This is ancient
by (773k points)
kalmar.union ancient
+3 votes
by (541k points)
I'm in grade 10. I can tutor u.

+1 vote
by (159k points)
Looking back on this,

*coughs in English and Science*

Im pretty bad at these, but I mostly get A’s.

Btw, in an episode of young sheldon,



by (523k points)
Did you know that Sheldon is autistic? I find it pretty cool, but also, I always knew that he was neurodivergent, due to his mannerisms.
by (159k points)
“Thank you. GOOBAY!”- Sheldon
+1 vote
i’m not talented either :p
by (773k points)
your username is beautiful
by (98.2k points)
YOU are beautiful  :)
+3 votes
by (64.3k points)
Don't be so hard on yourself!

I love your YouTube channel! You are literally my fav youTuber!(and I mean it). I am not a subscriber yet because I don't have an account, but the first thing I'll do if I get one is subscribe to you!

And also you are talented! You can draw so well! I can't even draw a person in less then 2 days!

If your not that good at math and reading then you should practice. (I can relate)
by (773k points)
aww thanks :D
by (64.3k points)
No problem
by (773k points)
hey can i has free upvotes
by (64.3k points)
0 votes
I’m sure you can do it if you study hard and keep practicing. I went threw the same thing, except for Minnesota. Good luck!
+3 votes
by (159k points)
Answer to all points:

1: ask someone on KT to tutor you. There is always someone thats pretty smart. I can tutor you if your level is low enough.

2: its your intrest. Forget about what other people think. People can shut their mouths, you are YOU! You are amazing, other people dont have anything you!

3: you have an obvious talent for writing. Speaking of the school’s talent show, you could write a short story for it! Maybe something about getting over hardships and bullying and making friends, just like sisters of the north!

4: okay, if you feel FORCED to continue and you don’t want to, then quit. Forget about the crying part, though. Take a break if need be on your channel. And like i said in point 3, do writing.

Also, what should i call you? You are kinda like a friend to me here and i dont know your alias. Nordic_genealogist seems a bit long, so what should i call you for short?

Anyways, dont be sad, we’re here for you! I believe you can succeed in everything right now! Remember our support, and it’ll help you build your motivation!
by (137k points)
by (773k points)
names Carly btw
by (159k points)
Ok ty carly
+1 vote
by (111k points)
its ok! im a social outcast bc I like Hamilton and not Ice Spice. Litterly everyone hates me bc im different and I dnt wear the right clothes and I dnt listen to the right music and I dnt have the right apps. U rnt alone.
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Hey, depending on your grade, I can be a tutor If you want. I'm learning algebra in 8th grade right now, so, if you're a level below that, I'd be happy to teach you anything!
by (137k points)
C'mon, I pine to help people, cooperation expands the knowledge of everyone around and it's been proved to be very productive, I like math, I wanna help.
by (1.34m points)
Dang, you talk really advanced for an 8th grader
by (137k points)
Thanks! My school offers an algebra 1 course for GT or accelerated people for 8th grade. What are you learning this year?
by (1.34m points)
I'm learning precalc, taking it rather slow with math.
by (137k points)
Ah, good luck!

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