+10 votes
in Viking Diaries by (776k points)

This was 2 weeks ago, but I forgot about it so uhh photos

A Table prayer in Danish. There was also a church in the museum so that was noice.

they have a piano there aswell

Danish Immigrant girl. Her name is Hilda ;)

map of Denmark that looks very noice

Danes only

Christmas tree. Yes, in September

they have these plates that are for every years ince 1895, and I found my year. All I got are some ice skating kids.

Danish soldiers.

Now, I took a lot of photos but most of them have my face in them so no. Also, if you know any Nordic heritage centers in any state, lemme know so I can go to some. 

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (137k points)
Best answer

*That was an Organ*

by (776k points)
by (166k points)
yeah it looked weird like two rows of keys
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (166k points)
Hilda almost looked like a real person..
by (776k points)
Maybe she is-
0 votes
by (776k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
wow that looks so cool.

How does this have only 1 upvote
by (137k points)

That's me! I was that one up vote! hai

by (954k points)
I did the 2nd upvote after reading that this had only one upvote.
by (137k points)


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