+6 votes
in Debate by (112k points)

For people who don't know what Kid Governor is, Kid Governor is a statewide program where a class, (5th graders only, sry i dnt make the rules) if the class is participating, nominates one student to be Kid Governor. (My chances are pretty high because there is only one other kid running against me) That student then makes a platform for why they should be elected for Kid Governor and figures out how they will spread the word about them running. When the voting day finally comes, all the schools will vote for the best candidate. then when the votes are in, THE WINNER WILL BE ON THE NEWS!! (IN A BREAKING NEWS SEGMENT)

My platform is called Anxiety/Depression: It's Ok to Have a Bad Day. It's about the effects of anxiety and depression on kids and how to help. Here is the speech: (sry its a little long, its a speech for my class and possibly the entire school)

If anyone has any questions or recommendations, please don't hesitate to answer!

5 Answers

0 votes
by (28.8k points)
I absolutely love that I have both of those and it can be really hard at times I wish I had resources, especially a therapy dog sometimes I don't feel as comfortable speaking with the social worker or counselor I don't like how they wright everything down and how things can be used against me or someone might take the notebook or tell my mom and dad things I do not want them to know because the school took what I said the wrong way and thought I was in danger when I am not I often need something to play with but have no near resources I have at over 8 disorders/disabilities I also need breaks sometimes and think it's important to have that option. good luck!!
by (112k points)
over 8?!?!?! i hope ur ok. and ty!
by (28.8k points)
I have learned to live with it its people like you who care enough to help that make a big difference just reading this made me a lot happier than I have been in a long time I always remember to stay strong things may seem stormy now but it can't rain forever I really hope you win we all need a little light in our lives, not many people are so caring and willing to help others u will change the world I know it.
0 votes
by (112k points)
the nerves u get at midnight-
0 votes
Aw, that's so cool!

As someone who has both anxiety and depression (double wammy, I know xD) this made me really happy to read. I hope you win! :)

- Dino/Wilbur/Toby (he/they/xe)
by (112k points)
tysm so rooting for me, im so nervous!
0 votes
by (137k points)
Wow, I couldn't have written something like this in 5th grade...
by (112k points)
lol ty im a very good writer and its one of my fav subjects.
by (137k points)
That's awesomesauce! I can only try.
by (112k points)
its ok, we all have our strengths and our weaknesses.
by (137k points)
0 votes
by (952k points)
It’s not too long. In June, I was one of three 5th graders to give a graduation speech to 300 adults (and 70 fellow 5th graders) and my speech was way longer than that. It was about three pages long, maybe four.
by (112k points)

As a person who doesn't have a stage fright problem but has SEVERE performing anxiety, (being really nervous but not actually scared of messing up-its complicated) I think thats awesome. also, I have to memorize the entire speech bc I can't read and talk at the same time. I stumble on words when I do that.
by (952k points)
Good luck. I just keep my eyes on the paper most of the time and reading the words out loud, but a few times I memorize a sentence and say it while looking at the crowd.
by (28.8k points)
i have social anxiety but 0% any stage fright i love to perform more then anything

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