+10 votes
in Fiction by (524k points)

Chapter 9

Nicolas sort of blanked for the rest of the tour. He found himself laying upwards in his soft, king-sized bed and staring off beyond the ceiling. He had his hands on his stomach, feeling quite comfortable with the quietude he was experiencing. He wasn't being forced into interaction, which he hated. He found utmost peace with himself like never before.

He sat up, scanning his surroundings. The room had a skylight coming in from the curved side of his room, which also provided direct moonlight as well. His dorm wasn't that vibrant in color, but it did look highly luxurious. Atop his bed was a large, golden mosaic of the school emblem showcasing a three-headed king cobra, possibly the representing animal.

He got up from his bed, walked in front of it and stood there for some time, admiring the king's glory. Smiling, he went to go sit at his desk, which he found was like his own personal office. It was slightly slanted down towards him, though straight enough to write a letter on top of it. It came with its own pen, which he saw it said Unlimited on its coat. It was ballpoint, he knew, and was happy to find that it created the most beautiful, fine writing he'd ever seen. 

He opened the drawers, finding only one item in one of them. He pulled it out, examining it closely.

It was a book, a diary to be specific. It was black, with gold trims and fancy patterns that had a sheen. He felt along the book, fond of its cover. He then opened it, flipping along the milky white (and blank) pages. A tempting thought appeared in his mind.

I should take it, it said. He didn't see anything wrong with that idea—it was finders keepers, and no one would know if something was missing due to him being the first one here. Looking around, though not knowing what for, he hastily put it in his side pouch.

Then there was a startling knock on his door. He wasn't expecting there to be guests just yet, and, to be quite honest, he wasn't ready for guests anytime. "Who is it?" He queried. "It's me, Azure!" Said a voice he recognized. "Our first lesson is soon, so I came to get you."

End of Chapter


Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

3 Answers

0 votes
by (137k points)
Omgosh, the first Harry Potter reference!

(And this confirms my theory of Azure liking Nicolas first)
by (524k points)
I unknowingly did made a Harry Potter reference? Mind pointing it out x3

(May I ask how?)

by (137k points)
In book 2, Harry finds Tom riddle's diary, but it's blank, Nicolas also finds a blank diary but hasn't really done anything with it yet.

(And it looks like I can predict the future now, my Sherlock Holmes excursions have paid off)
+1 vote
by (159k points)
Teehee i knew you would confirm Nazure

Me and J-Train are gonna be closely watching every interaction between these two
by (524k points)
There would have been more things to this chapter if I wasn't rushed!

Gosh dang it :[
+1 vote
by (524k points)
I apologize for this, I was rushed and had to end it awkwardly :[


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