+12 votes
in Fiction by (524k points)

Chapter 18

   The sun had now completely set, going to rest and letting the moon shine brightly in wake. Nicolas was gazing out of the window at the beautiful scene of lunar light, now finally alone as the others left the room. He turned to his desk and brought his seat closer to it. Reaching to his right, he pulled out the diary that was inside of his coat which was draped over a small table. He examined its features again, smirking to himself for owning what he saw as a treasure. He carefully unlatched the golden lock, getting an odd excitement for no explanation. He'd opened this before, so he didn't understand the purpose of this feeling.

Nicolas picked up his pen and gently placed it on the paper. He watched as the ink slowly spread out from his ball-point reed, infecting the parchment with its black stains. He then started moving it more.

November 8, 2002

  Today was commonplace. I met two children—siblings, boy and girl—that hold the name Abbycat. There's one in particular that really gets under my skin, with his unwanted jolliness that fails to please. He unnecessarily put himself in unsavory situations that could have easily been avoided if he had just obeyed the director! It's very confusing, his behavior. 

He thought for a moment on what to write next. Could he write about his issues with his sister, and possibly the problem he has with Azure on that matter? Maybe this was what it was like to have writer's block as an author, he thought as he stared at his pen dully.

He decided on writing about the other people he encountered today and his first impression of them.

   I found Science to be an interesting class today. The professor looked much like Einstein, but with a slightly thicker moustache. He seemed like the mad-scientist type, more of a loose-cannon, unlike his famous look-alike. He watched a storm of flame burst from his flask with a grin on his face. The Language Arts professor, however, was placid. He was fairly laidback, which I appreciated. I also really liked the History professor, and he's definitely someone I look up to. Though, he doesn't seem like he is far from a cigarette, and it was a bit off-putting how he smoked inside of the enclosed classroom.

The front door suddenly opened, revealing the silhouette of a female. It was immensely bright behind her, due to it being dark inside of the dorm, causing him to lift his arm to his face. "Everyone was looking for you, Nicolas," said the female's voice, which he recognized to be Azure's. "It's suppertime."

Nicolas sighed audibly, then assured her that he would be down. She nodded and left, leaving the door open, much to his chagrin.

He shook his head, closing his book and sealing its lock tightly. He then deliberately placed it in the lowermost drawer in his desk, making sure it wouldn't be seen by an easy glance. Getting up, he grabbed his hat, took his coat and swung it over his shoulder, the headed out the door. He was greeted by beautiful, golden lights that shimmered across the halls and accentuated the bling of the luxury.

"Nicolas!" he heard a voice call him from a distant left. He turned his head to see Zachary, widely beckoning him over to the group he was in that consisted of the others he met earlier. Nicolas's head nearly went over his back when he looked up, exasperated. He couldn't help but roll his eyes to the fullest extent that they could go, wondering if he would ever get away from this dunce.

But, as if by a universal force, he was pushed forward and made his way over. Once he was close enough, Zachary pulled him in like an old friend. "Dinner is gonna be great this evening!" He said happily, immediately taking his hand off of Nicolas once he was given the death look. Ravi was nose deep inside of a book that had no title on the cover, whilst Patton was looking around aimlessly, as if he didn't know why he was out here.

"I heard our parents are going to be here tonight," said Ravi, looking up from his book and adjusting his glasses. Nicolas's almost tore a muscle snapping his head to Ravi, asking him to repeat himself to make completely sure he heard right. Once he got confirmation, he felt a weight be added onto his stomach, making him not as hungry as he was before. Sweat began secreting out of his forehead like a newborn storm, just waiting to cause torrential downpour on his conscience. His breathing was heavier and he assumed nothing but the worst, having flashes of his emotionless sister and ominously shadowed father burn itself in his eyes.

Patton looked at him thoughtfully. "Are you okay, friend?" he asked. Suddenly, Nicolas was propelled back into the world, finding himself in a conversation with an innocent, generally caring boy. He stared at Patton with a shocked expression, to which he replied with a soft smile. "I'll take that as a yes."

Zachary flicked his eyes between both of them, visibly confused. "Are we going to dinner, or are we just gonna stand here hungry and awkward?" He asked pointedly just before his stomach made the noisiest gurgling sound known to ear. He grabbed it in haste, now saying, "Nevermind, you guys can stand here hungry and awkward, I'm going to eat!" He quickly ran a far distance ahead. Nicolas, now with a burst of energy, put his hand up and called for him to wait. The three were now chasing a hungry—and fast—Zachary through the halls of the dome, drawing much attention to themselves as they did so.

And for no good reason, Nicolas was okay about it. He would usually be furious at Zachary for putting him in such a vexatious situation, not even realizing that he was actively taking the time to run after someone he claimed to be unconcerned about.

He wondered if this was a break in his wall of untrust. Then he smirked, running faster, and not doubting the notion this time.

End of Chapter

I listened to my favorite song while I was typing half of this chapter x3

Few things:

Nazure isn't happening any time soon, no debates about it, this is my story and I ultimately decides what happens to it in canon. With that being said, I would really appreciate it if you could refrain from spamming things about Nazure every single chapter.

I'm really thankful for those who have enjoyed my work and who have also taken the time to comment their thoughts, because your guys' support is what keeps me going with my stories :D

Anywho, that was my little postscript. Thank you for reading :]

Love ya'll,

nobodyimportant out—

2 Answers

0 votes
by (137k points)
Best answer
Ah, I just found this after I wrote my little fanfic, this is great! I have nothing else to say, as I'm supposed to refrain from a specific subject. Keep up the good work!
by (524k points)
Okay then, good! I'm very happy that you enjoyed it and respected my words :]

Thank you!
+1 vote
by (159k points)
I hope Nicolas genuinely forms a good friendship with ravi and patton

I think he kinda hates Zachary

Azure needs to know when to stop (bro told you about his sister problems so stop)

Good chapter
by (524k points)
I do to :)

I also think that Nicolas is warming up to Zachary little by little. I have a feeling he will finally let up in the coming chapters, officially sealing their friendship :D

Patton's such a nice kid, and I think Nicolas hasn't really experienced that in a while. He has some trust issues he needs to work on. Ravi's really cool, too! I'm excited to see where all of them, including Azure, go from here :]

I don't know what Azure's doing at the moment, but I'm sure she'll apologize for her behavior later.
by (137k points)
Petition for Ravi to be modeled after Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa.
by (524k points)
Haha, I'll take that into consideration x3
by (137k points)
He seems to fit the bill so well.

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