+12 votes
in Other by (154k points)

Hello, travelers, ladies, gentlemen, and animalfolk. This is a roleplay. I figured Kidztalk may like a little bit of something extra to do with others… this is where the roleplay comes in!

Welcome to Vivisteria, aka the small Planet 239LY. This wonderful planet houses people of all types- animals, humans, elves, merfolk, humanoid creatures of sorts, deadly beasts- you name it, it’s here!

Vivisteria is home to five main parts of the world, but that does not include the many other places to exist.

[insert map here- {still being created atm}]

Vivisteria has monsters needed to be slayed, royalty that can be conquered, friends that can be made, and more!

If you would like to join this wonderful home, comment your bio and then I’ll start the roleplay! (you are basically making a story)

[Things you should add in bio:



If they use magic, what kind:



Can they talk:

Looks like:

Acts like:

Where they are from (make up a name lol):

Extras: ]

Thank you if you participate! Go along, my friends! Journey to depths never seen before!

[If you have questions, you can also comment them.]


-No trying to start a conversation other than the roleplay on this UNLESS you are talking to someone about the roleplay

-You can only play your character unless someone else gives you consent to play yours

- Keep it with the guidelines

- Be kind

- I upped the maximum- you can have 5 characters not including pets (as side characters)

- Have fun!

(Also, we have over a hundred comments and at least 300 views! Thank you so much!! I didn’t expect this to be so big!)

by (523k points)
Every time I think it's realtime, I get excited. And then I get let down when things slow down again x3

I'm super committed to this roleplay, as I haven't done one in the longest!

20 Answers

+2 votes
by (154k points)
Best answer
[beginning of rp, comment here!]

Rei walked through the forest, looking around for fresh mushrooms to pick for todays special at her cafe. She wandered around, dashing between the trees, holding a bucket.
by (523k points)
Alastor looked around.

"...I have an idea," he said, smirking.

"We should ask the God of Sight, Opticus, to give us a hint of where they are!"
by (85.8k points)
"How do we do that? How can we get his attention?" Cypress asks
by (523k points)
"My father is very good friends with Opticus, and I've gotten a chance to meet him myself. I'm sure he'd help me in these dire times..."
by (116k points)
“Cool, but still! WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO AXEL!” Sparrow said, cradling Audric.

“Ummm who are you?” Sparrow asked, pointing to crypress
by (85.8k points)
Cypress hesitates. "Uh-er... a friend. My homeland is not safe anymore, so I came here. And then I stumbled upon THIS, and I have nothing better to do."
by (159k points)
Axel’s hand sprung out of the ground, with Axel trying desperately to pull his body out.

His hand was dragged back into the ground, creating a horrifying appearance.
by (116k points)
“Whta happening !” Sparrow yelled, desperately trying to pull axels hand out of ground
by (159k points)

Axel, using all of his strength, crawled back up.
by (85.8k points)
Cypress stopped and stared, mouth agape as she blinked at Axel in surprise.
by (159k points)
Axel eventually pulled his whole body out.
+1 vote
by (85.8k points)

The post says this has at least 300 views lol it may be a LITTLE more than that :)
by (154k points)
That was way back when I made it. It’s insane how many views there are now
by (85.8k points)
0 votes
Hey y'all!

Name: Liz

Species: specifically, A cat.

If they use magic, what kind: nothing. She gets powers from the MAKER from time to time, but that's it.

Pronouns: she\her

Gender: female

Can they talk: yes, but usually does not display this to humans

Looks like: A black cat with a white tuft of fur under her chin

Acts like: talks with a very distinct French accent

Sooooooooooooooo, am I in?

Where they are from: originally from the garden of Eden, but has traveled around the world serving THE MAKER.
by (116k points)
So late, but sure you can join

Just try not to implement much religion into this
0 votes
by (85.8k points)

Name: Cypress

Species: Part human, mostly creature faerie

If they use magic, what kind: Animal magic, can shapeshift into some animals, but it takes a lot of strength, so they can cast a glamour over themselves to make it look like they did. Can understand and communicate wit animals, and summon them 

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: female

Can they talk: can talk in human form

Looks like: 13 years old, unlike most faeries, is tall and willowy, with yellow around her pupils and amber brown in the rest of her eyes. Her hair is shoulder length, with a few golden strands from the sun. while she can shapeshift to get wings, she likes blending in and looking like a normal human. her face is mostly normal, however, she has a scar across her left eye from a battle with her father, who got possesed by a demon and she ddint want to hurt him. her eyeball has a scar on it from it. 

Acts like: Is nice to most people, however, has frequent mood swings and if you threaten people she loves, she will absolutely attack you. she sometimes goes long periods of time of being depressed because in that fight with her father she was forced to kill him as he was possesed

Where they are from: Erilea

Extras: fled to vivisteria because all fae of all kinds were being killed off by a dictator taking over the entire Northern Continent, planning on taking over the Southern Continent, and eventually all of Erilea. Her mom was killed by soilders, and her and her father escaped, only to have the king summon a demon to possess him, and she was forced to kill her own father

And uhhhh yeah thats about it! Thanks so muchhhhH!!!

by (116k points)
Yeah can join!

(I know this is late)

Just look at the best answer and that’s the roleplay thread
by (85.8k points)
Okay thanks!
+1 vote
by (154k points)
+1 vote
by (116k points)
0 votes
by (773k points)
hello from SHR :)
by (111k points)
whats SHR
by (773k points)
Scandinavian History Roleplay
+1 vote
by (116k points)
This is Sparrows pet

Name: Audric

Age: 4 years old(phoenix's often live up to 100 years old)

Species: Phoenix

Magic: can burst into flames. (Sorta magic) Knows what sparrow is feeling.

Pronouns He/him/it

Gender: Male

Looks like: A classic phoenix except one of his ears is missing because of a wolf attack as a cub.

Acts like: Very affectionate to sparrow. Will do anything to protect her. Wary of most strangers but once he feels that sparrow trusts them he will be himself again.

Extras: Sparrow found him when he was just 12 days old in the forest while sparrow was crying since marlina(her best friend) had died a week before, he had just been mauled by a wolf(causing him to lose his ear) and sparrow rescued him. He hasn’t left her side since.
by (85.8k points)
Awwww, darn! You took the phoenix already! >:(

(Totally joking btw )
+1 vote
by (154k points)
I’m making another character and she’s an old OC from another platform so if you recognize her you know me

Name: Hesperia

Species: Half demon half human

If they use magic, what kind: Dark magic but never really for bad things specifically

Pronouns: She/her, they/them

Gender: Female

Can they talk: Yes

Looks like: Long frizzy hair, black on one side and white the other, human skin but on the white side of the hair its darkened due to a traumatic experience as a kid. Wears a grey hoodie, black leggings and shoes.

Acts like: Shy, sweet, quiet, easily embarrassed, clumsy, smart

Where they are from: the Underworld, which is located beneath Vivisteria but still a part of it

Extras: She has a boyfriend named Astrophel but I don’t feel like adding him

Also her traumatic experience was she was heavily burned and injured at the age of 7 because she fell into lava trying to escape from a monster she hadn’t known was lurking in the woods.
by (159k points)
Astrophel didn’t have enough rizz to get in

Axel and Alastor did thankfully

I just realized most of the characters besides the pets are girls

by (154k points)
Nahhh Astrophel supposed to be the rizzler but since he has a gf he cuts down on rizzing

He just isnt an interesting character
0 votes
by (2.1k points)

Name: (idk i will just not name him you do it)

Species: human/kitsune/fox

If they use magic, what kind: controlling time and physics

Pronouns: he/him/his

Gender: male/toaster

Can they talk: of course

Looks like: like a 10 year old (also he is 13 don't ask)

Acts like: C O M E D Y

Where they are from (make up a name lol): your IP address town

Extras: haha straight and shyish go brrrr

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