+11 votes
in Furry Club by (153k points)
Heya, y’all! I’ve decided to start a roleplay! I’ve seen previous ones, and none of them really blew up, but I’ve decided to give it a try! POV- You’re headed to your first furcon, and a couple of your friends from KidzTalk decided to meet you there. I’ll start! I don’t roleplay like most other people, you can roleplay in your style but mine is more descriptive, like writing a book.


An average-height girl with brown hair that went a little past her shoulders walked into the gigantic Marriott hotel. She was carrying an aqua-blue duffel bag in one hand, and two plushies in the other. One plushie was obviously well-loved, a large, brown lab-looking dog, and the other one was an animal that looked something like a fox, presumably her fursona. She was wearing a white bandana with rainbow balloon animals, with a badge attached to it with the same animal as her plush, reading LEMONY. She gasped as she saw the length of the line to register, and immediately pulled out her phone to text her friends to see where they were.

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (138k points)
Best answer
"Bum da dun bam! " My phone rang with a specific ringtone for only one person. Lemony! I had never met her irl, but I met her at a online class for making your own fur suit for your furry and we've been close friends since! I opened her message. It read "Where are you? I'm looking for you! I have a pin that says "Lemony" on it! " I gripped my rolling suitcase, covered in stickers of places where I had been, and began to look. I soon found a girl with (such a pretty shade of) Brown hair, holding what looked like a chocolate lab plus his and a Fox plushie. I tapped her shoulder and immediately found a 'Lemony' pin on a bandana wrapped around her head as a headband. I gasped. "Lemony?" She looked at me in delight . "Kia?"  I giggled, she had called me Kia instead of my real name. It was a little quirk we both had. "Hi!! " I squealed giving her a huge hug.
I squealed when I realized that the girl coming up to me was Kia, one of my online furry friends! She looks so pretty in real life, and it seems like she likes to travel, judging by her suitcase. I return her hug, and then show her the new plushie of Lemony I just got. “She looks like a fox, but actually, look at her little wings, and her ears are really tall! She’s actually an original species I created!” Not giving her time to answer, I asked her if she had already checked in. She answered with “No”, so I pulled her right next to me in line. “It’s not cutting if we know each other!” We both laugh. I ask her, “do you wanna see what’s inside my duffel bag? It’s not just loathes, I have my backpack in the car for those. This is something special!”
by (138k points)
As Lemony told me about her original species of furry, my eyes traveled to her duffel bag.  She asked my if I had checked in to the Marriott hotel '"No, the line looks so long!"  I said groaning at just the thought of waiting. Im very impatient. "Well then," Lemony said, as if sensing my frustration at the line, "it's not cutting it we know each other!" I laughed with her. As we were getting closer to the check in desk, I first noticed her duffel bag. It looked bulky, as if someone had stuffed it to the brim. Following my eyes, Lemony asked "Do ya wanna see what's inside my duffel bag?" At first I nodded, thinking that she probably had clothes in there, but she said "it's not just clothes, I have my backpack in the car for those. This is something special!" I grinned. I thought I already knew what she had. Lemony slowly reached for the duffel bags zipper and.....
by (153k points)
I opened my duffel bag, (taking an extra long time to give it some dramatic flair). I reached my hand in and whisked out... my fursuit head of Lemony! I quickly slipped it on, so she could see what I looked like in it. She laughed with delight. I clipped on my tail and slid on my paws, turning around so she could see the whole thing. She let out a happy squeak, and the person behind us turned to look. I made a cute puppy pose for him, and he smiled and turned back around, while me and Kia muffled giggles. I asked Kia if after this, she wanted to go up to our rooms to unpack, then meet up at the Dealers den to maybe get a matching set of badges. She agreed, and we shared stories about our lives and the car-ride yo the con as we advanced in line. When we got to the front, I let Kia go first. The con attendant gave her her conbadge and her room card, and she did the same with me, wishing us a good weekend. When we told each other our room numbers, we almost screamed with joy. I said mine first- Room 226. Then, she said hers- 227!
by (40.2k points)

As soon as that happened a young girl wearing glasses and had Brown hair rushed up to the Girls  holding a cat like fur head with icing and sprinkles a love heart cape and her suits body and tail hey what are you guys doing I lost my guardian will ya help me the Girls could not resist a new friend Sure! I'm lemony who are you? I'm cookie(my fursona) she said as she put it on...


by (153k points)
Lemony smiled and said “I love your fursuit, it’s so cute! I was just planning to go up and unpack, but I can totally help you find your parents!” they set off across the conflict. “I’d look by the entrance first,” remarked Kia. After around 5 minutes of searching they found her parents standing by a booth near the entrance. Lemony waved as she joined her parents and  they exchanged phone numbers. “I’ll meet you in the Dealers Den at 5!” she said excitedly. As she rode the elevator upstairs, it felt like she was floating. Her first con, and with two friends!
by (40.2k points)
Lemony was just unpacking her laptop when the girl busted into room 266 ''I'm so sorry i interrupted you again! But we have bad news and good news What would you like to hear first


''good news..'' Replied a now shaking in fear lemony  

'' Ok the good news is my parents have let me stay with you for a bit but the bad news is this... -she got out an old phone probably a hand me down -   *a young man wearing an anti-furry shirt comes in to the con* Watch out furrys... Playtimes OwOver

oh gosh*said lemony
0 votes
by (774k points)
by (116k points)


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