+8 votes
in Fiction by (214k points)
I run through the forest, lost, trying to find my family. I yell for them, but nothing happens. The trees start moving around me, caving in towards me, saying they'll get me and-

   My alarm starts blasting, and I reach over to shut it off. Maybe just a few more minutes of sleep. I need it, but at the same time, I don't know how many more of these bad dreams I can handle. They're every. single. time. I go to sleep. Always something about being separated from my family and the people I love.

   After lying around for a few minutes, not being able to sleep, I start contemplating my life. I live in Ocala, Florida, I'm 16 years old, my dad's from Sweden and my mom's Thai. I have a friend named- Wait, go back a few thoughts. 16? That's old. I feel like a grandma at the moment, but even grandmas can't catch a break sometimes and have to get ready for school.

   I eat breakfast, get school clothes on, brush my teeth, and finish getting ready for school. School. My most dreaded place. School is assuredly the root of my anxiety and all my problems in life, so if I ever cause you problems, blame it on school.

   I start to walk out the door when my mom calls me, "Sonja, did you take out the trash?!" Oh. The trash. Right, today is Friday. I sigh and reluctantly take out the trash and my mom reprimands my "rotten attitude." Before I can walk out the door again, she kisses my forehead and I give her a hug. While sometimes my mom doesn't always make me feel like the most ecstatic person, I still love her.

   I get in my car and start driving to school. I just earned my driver's license a few months ago, so I'm still getting the hang of things. A few times I've almost crashed, but I didn't, so it doesn't really matter, right? I do a little karaoke while no one else is in the car. I mean, why not? If I'm going to sound like a dying donkey, it may as well be now.

   Eventually, I arrive at school, aka jail for kids. I walk in to perceive the wonderful sight of snobby teenagers who side eye me as I walk the hall. Ever since I started going here, people either ignore me or look at me weird. Is it because I'm the only introvert in a pool of extroverts? To be fair, most of them are involved in drugs and all that, so maybe that's normal for them to look at me weird? Sometimes, I just feel like people either pay no attention to me, or they give me the wrong kind of attention, like how someone spread a rumor about me stealing some girl's expensive perfume and I almost got expelled (even though I didn't do it). I think everyone here just… doesn't get along well with me. I guess everyone except my friend, Lucas. Lucas and I have been friends since third grade. We always partner up for projects, and I'm glad to have someone who isn't revolted at the sight of me. I've been friends with Lucas for quite a while now. From third grade to eleventh. Wow. I'm still in shock that I even have a friend, though even me and Lucas don't always get along sometimes.

   I walk to my first class, US history. I find history extremely vapid and uninspiring, but I work through it. I see Lucas stroll in the room from the corner of my eye. He waves at me, and I wave back. He sits down in his seat and starts studying. He's usually not the type to study, so I'm slightly surprised. I look at my homeroom teacher, Mr. Lee, who's writing something on the board. I try to make out the letters, which I should be using my glasses for, but I don't like the way they fit on my face. I eventually make out what the board says. "Test Day." Oh shoot. Test. Test that I didn't study for. Test that I completely forgot about. I'm already in a bad mood, and it just got worse. Well, I give up. I'm going to fail it anyway, so what's the point of studying? I rest my head on my desk until class starts.

   I go through history class… and take my test. I already know that I failed, but there's always next time to study. I go through the rest of my classes, and the day seems to get slower each hour.


I haven't written anything in sooooo long, so it feels nice to do this. I felt like chapter one was really long, so I split it up into two parts! I'll post the next part right after. The story is a little boring right now, I know, but trust me, it will get more interesting. I already have everything planned out, and there's a lot that's gonna happen. Bear with me, okay?

Alr, I'm gonna go post the second half now, and please vote for how long you think the length of the chapters should be!

Make the chapters shorter (1 vote, 20%)
Make the chapters longer (0 votes)
The length it is now is best (4 votes, 80%)

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (528k points)
Hey, me and Sonja can be introverts who don't and never will do drugs and that stuff together :D

Great chapter! Can't wait to see where this leads us.


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