+6 votes
in Venting by (210 points)
So im great friends with a girl we met in 6th grade and were still friends in 8th but lately I've been feeling weird around her and I don't feel as calm as I used to. Let me get to my point...I have a crush on a guy and all of a sudden after I told her she told me she likes him a lot too..but it isn't something she had felt she just started calling him cute after I told her I liked him and I tried to ignore it but she kept letting me know I won't belong with him without saying it...I feel like im making something out of nothing but today we were leaving class and he (the crush) was behind us and she kept pushing herself toward him I know it wasn't an accident cause she was laughing he didn't seem to care but I don't know this bothered me a lot for some reason but I didn't say anything I just have this weird feeling in my stomach and I wanna cry I feel like I'm being dramatic and I don't feel like I know anyone to tell right now so I'm saying here. (And some background of this boy, we met in 6th grade and he was one of my best friends and liked him then too but I didn't tell anyone and 7thgrade I tried to talk to him but it seemed awkward all of a sudden and we stopped talking and now in 8th grade we started talking again and all the feelings flew back to me ugh but I've just  started telling people I like him so that's the history.) I really hope someone can tell me if im in the wrong cause I feel like a bad person for this but I feel like this is kinda built-up anger for her bc she regularly tries to embarrass me but it has been our thing to do that to each other but I just feel kinda weird about it now.....HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (and I kinda know my love for him is kinda one-sided so yeah but I feel like he might like me too.)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
hang in there girly! just talk to ur man and say u like him since 6th grade and talk to ur bestie about how she should backoff
0 votes
by (28.2k points)
Oh the same thing is basically happening to me!talk to ur bestie about it if she’s a real friend she will try to back off!hope this helps!

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