+17 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by (350k points)

I have two reasons for why God exists!

1. We all have a sense of a greater power.

We all have a sense that someone greater is out there. That Someone is God, otherwise known as Jehovah or Yahweh.

2. Even evolution supports God.

You know how people say "this fossil shows evidence of evolution!" But, some fossils are buried in several layers of the earth. This shows evidence of a Flood-- the great worldwide Flood caused by the Creator. Also, people say that animals evolve from certain other animals. For example, how could the bat have survived whilst he was evolving from the creature similar to the tree shrew?

Add your own and I will choose and write your evidence that God is real down below.


8 Answers

+1 vote
Gem heart, I respect your religion and all ( I just went to my great uncles funural and we prayed alot of stuff I didn't know.) but i don't think that you need to declare this to everyone. I know I said it was an opinion but still.
by (350k points)

It's GemHeart, BTW. But in the Bible it says that believers need to spread the Gospel.

+1 vote
by (45.3k points)

You know how people say "this fossil shows evidence of evolution!" But, some fossils are buried in several layers of the earth. This shows evidence of a Flood-- the great worldwide Flood caused by the Creator. Also, people say that animals evolve from certain other animals. For example, how could the bat have survived whilst he was evolving from the creature similar to the tree shrew?


Well, to this I say,

The fossils were buried due to rainfall, human development, dead matter being decomposed, etc.  

by (26.4k points)
I mean sure you can think that, but why couldn't a flood have happened? Why just random things(like human development for example)?
+2 votes
by (5.8k points)
Preach ♥️
by (350k points)
Thanks, and if I could, I'd preach all day long, sista.
by (1.34m points)
+2 votes
by (90.2k points)
3. If God did not exsist, how would the world be created?

There are two people who have been said to create the world: Mother Nature and God. The Mother Nature person is not real because nobody knows how she created the world. But people do know how God created the world. Also, if the world was not created, how could I be typing this? Where would you live? It would make no sense if the world has always been or if it one day came right out of the blue. Or if it created itself. So that only gives us one option: God created the world.
by (45.3k points)
The world was created by the Big Bang. (Ever heard of that?)

   Anyway, search it up. This is my opinion. No everyone's.
by (26.4k points)
The Big Bang is a THEORY. And who says God couldn't have created the Big Bang? It's all logical.

angry really?

+1 vote
by (45.3k points)
I do not believe so because there is no evidence. Have you heard of, "See it to believe it,"? Well, I like that idea, and has ANYONE ever seen God before? I do not sense a greater power either. God is an imagination. I believe in many things, but beings with no evidence are fake, like God. Paintings do not count, as they all look different. They are representations of God in the artist's mind. I am not criticizing you, only opposing you. I have a different opinion.
by (26.4k points)
then how have thousands and millions of miracles occurred under God's name? That is definitely no coincidence.
by (350k points)
Amen Dancer, amen!
Disclaimer: I do not want to come off as rude. I totally respect what you believe, but it seems like you are a person open to debate so I just thought I would post my opinion :)

If you look in the new testament of the bible you will see tons of witnesses to the miracles that were performed in God's name. Even historians believe that Jesus was a real man, even if they don't believe he is God's son. Jesus, a man who performed amazing miracles in front of tons of people, is God's son, and even though we can't see God, we can still be shown his power and therefore know he exists.

I'm a Christian and this is what I believe. If you have any questions for me than just reply to my answer :) Bye!

p.s. I know this was posted a while ago but whatever :)
+2 votes
by (90.2k points)
Why did you post this? Now everybody is going to argue about this!
relax it's fine,she's just stating an opion of some sort.
by (350k points)

Imma posting this because I can. Its a free country. cheeky

by (1.34m points)
Agreed! So tyler if you do not like it, too bad.
+3 votes
by (134k points)
Atheists, or those who don't believe in God, don't feel a sense of a greater other.
+2 votes
by (110k points)
kewl i didn't know number 2

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