+11 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by
Well according to one article  god does not exist because science already by a theory  that states energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed.

There is a theory that disprove that matter cannot be created or destroyed. It is called the big bang. According to the theory the universe was created by a explosion. That sounds similar to the monotheistic view on the creation of the universe.

Before you believe in the big bang theory, There is another theory that disprove the big bang. The theory is called the Rainbow gravity theory. The theory states that the universe is eternal.

But the rainbow gravity theory did not disprove the existence of god it only disproved the monotheistic god.There are religons that god is a extrasstral or god only created our solar system or god is the universe or there many gods and they are the nature of our universe. But the montheistic god could exist and the stuff I gave you are only theories

Do you believe in god or not and tell us why in the comments section
I believe in one god, Yahweh, to be exact, but isn't this a little deep for a website for kids? I mean, it IS called KIDZtalk. Not Religiontalk or something.

19 Answers

+2 votes
God is most certainly exists, and he is eternal and perfect. Just one question: Is it harder to believe that there is no god and that there will be no consequences for our actions here on earth, or that there is a God, and if you don't believe in Him that one day, either when you die or he returns, there will be eternal punishment in Hell for your sins?
+4 votes
+4 votes
A lot of other religions say kill anyone who is not like them. That is evil! If an evil god rules, we would not be here or never be happy!
+4 votes
You don't have to see to believe! Or else you would think air doesn't exist or malycules don't exist or atoms don't exist! You never saw me use the bathroom! Does that mean I never went to the bathroom?
by (27.7k points)
Lol. Your right!
You are commenting on everything I do. Thank you so much
+4 votes
God exists and I can prove it! one time a horrible storm was about to hit town. The catholic Cristian praid and then the storm split in two around the town and nobody got hurt!
+4 votes
Can't you just see that every scientist has theorys not exact answers so even if God wasn't real nobody would know. How can you ppl believe we came from a frog and an ape then a God who created everything! And you ppl can believe there Is a man named Santa who flys around in a slay in one night!! I'm not trying to be rude but I think believing there's a God is better then believing we some how came from an ape.
+4 votes
God is real. A bang can't make people exist. Just because you can't see him does not mean He isn't there. He has no beginning and no end, He will live for eternity and come at the end of time. He will lead the clean of heart to heaven and save us all.
+4 votes
yes, god does exist otherwise where would we go when we are dead and who would've made the big bang ( the explosion of a super nova that led up to the creating of the universe) happen also who would control time and bless the people? god does exist.
+4 votes
Three words: God is REAL!
+4 votes
by (350k points)
Here is MY input.
Yes, God IS real. Otherwise why would we be here? God created us for a reason (see my BibleStudy page). God is real, and the Bible us as well. JUST PICK UP A BIBLE AND THEN READ IT! it isn't that differcult. Anyway, have you seen God's Not Dead, Miracles from Heaven, Risen? The big bang theory is NOT real and God is! Without Jesus ,I don't know what would happen!
Thank you (for nothing).
I have already have picked up a bible and read it and my mom is a christian. I read all of it and I am still  do not believe in a god. What if I told you to pick up the quran and you will be a muslim . So you are not proving anything
I know that's your point. To become a Christian you must believe in Jesus.
To be a muslim you have to believe in Allah, Muhammad , an Jesus and if you say well muslims dont  believe in Jesus you are dumb and you really need to study islam. Hinduism is where you worship things all  around you. It is where you believe everything is one.

Atheism is where you question thing that dont make sense. It is where you dont believe in a god.

Voodoo is a religon where people honur and remember spirits and ancestors.

Witchcraft is where we get together with our ancestors and spirits.

You say if you are not a christian you are not going to heaven well what if you are wrong .
by (350k points)
Well, sir/miss, I have a real thick history book that goes over all religions, so, yes, I have researched Islam.I am not dumb (I have As in all my subjects). In the Bible, it says we should not worship nature but instead worship Him Who created nature, God.With the heaven thing, in the End Times you will see that I am right. .
by (350k points)
I bet people are really confused or something becuz no one is answering
by (90.2k points)
I've heard by BUNCHES AND BUNCHES of people that "Jesus" was AFTER the Egyptians!
The big bang can be true! God just made the bang!

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