+7 votes
in Other by (159k points)
I would:

Name the country “Hoodie Empire”.

I would slow down money printing so inflation doesn’t choke us.

Heavily strengthen relations with allies.

Ramp up military strength.

Announce war levels:

1: minor war: very little involvement

2: small-scale war: small involvement, other nation and/or nations involved more

3: medium-level war: 50% of military is involved.

4: serious war: 75% of military is involved

5: full-on war: all of military is involved

Announce conscription if full-on war is happening, similar to ww2

Make sure economy is stable and strong.

Announce tax cuts.

Establish superiority in space.

Allow public schools to choose what religion to teach or no religion at all (forcing public schools to teach athiesm is wrong, they should be allowed to choose).

Establish fair laws.

Reaffirm 2nd amendment and multiple other rights not protected enough.

Strengthen police forces and STRICTLY discipline officers during training so they dont make dumb mistakes and trigger the media.

Improve military and government weapons and vehicles.

Thats what i would do.

6 Answers

+1 vote
by (137k points)

It should be named the United Impirial Democratic People's Union of Executive, Judicial, and Legeslative Socialist Republic of Northern American Areas and Surrounding Territories (UIDPUEJLSRNAAST) to make learning the acronym as difficult as possible.

And we should burn all the money and shut down all the banking apps to make everyone broke and stop inflation.

And everyone should serve a 50-year military term.

We should build a wall on the northern and southern borders and stop flights and travel of UIDPUEJLSRNAAST citizens.


by (524k points)
Why did I think you were being serious for a second—
+1 vote
by (116k points)

This whole thing is what I was thinking thumbs_up

And they are ALWAYS trampling over our rights.

0 votes
by (775k points)
I agree with the atheism thing. My school is an atheist school (im a Christian, and there are students of many religions), but there was a Time in Social Studies were we had to learn about world religions and it wasn't biased, so that was cool
by (159k points)
+2 votes
by (543k points)
I know this will make little to no sense but it's the only way I can think to say it

School teach athiesm is right. Everyone Gets freedom of religion = first amendment. So public schools teaching let's say Christianity ( just an example) would be violating the freedom of religion for the students & teachers
by (159k points)
Well, hear me out:

Freedom of religion, right?

The person owning the school property can choose what to teach. It is their property and therefore can choose what will be taught in the school. If parents and teachers dont like that, they can either move to another school or suck it up.

Not trying to come off as rude, but i just think its like that.
by (117k points)
+1 vote
by (117k points)
We need to ramp up military strength?

We already spend way too much on military

I also am a pacifist and don’t believe war solves problems like Nobi said. I think there should be a vote if there should be war or not and not just the president deciding.

Public schools don’t teach atheism, they just don’t teach religion as part of their curriculum

I agree with the other things though
by (159k points)
Not trying to start a debate here, fren, so I’ll explain my reasons calmly since you’re goated and not mean:

1: the USA is losing their authority and respect in the world as a superpower. Its slowly but surely becoming a joke. Although i did say ramp up military strength, i did not say to ramp up military spending. Producing more weapons and researching better options for soldiers and the military as a whole would accomplish that. By ramping up military strength, the USA would prove that it would be more than capable of defeating an evil force, without really having to do it.

2: i agree. I would keep the military on the defensive should anyone try to attack overseas bases, embassies, etc. No large-scale war unless our allies are in trouble.

3: fair point. Now that i think about it, each student and parent should choose what religion the student will learn (separate from regular subjects, of course).

4: nice.

Once again, i dont wanna trigger you or start a debate, since you’re one of my best friends on here.

by (117k points)
For number 3, that actually makes a lot of sense. And of you didn’t what religion at all you could choose that too. I’m not sure if I agree, but I will def think about it.

Glad I’m one of your best friends on here! Your one of my mine too :D
by (159k points)
Also, sorry about the horror story mistake!
by (117k points)
At least you didn’t notice it
by (159k points)
Thank goodness
by (117k points)
Sadly Elo did though. She said she won’t tell anyone but I’m still a bit freaked out.

I don’t think anyone besides her did though

Thank goodness.
by (116k points)
"1: the USA is losing their authority and respect in the world as a superpower. Its slowly but surely becoming a joke. Although i did say ramp up military strength, i did not say to ramp up military spending. Producing more weapons and researching better options for soldiers and the military as a whole would accomplish that. By ramping up military strength, the USA would prove that it would be more than capable of defeating an evil force, without really having to do it."

+1 vote
by (524k points)
Because I'm a pacifist and don't believe war solves problems, I'm going to agree with everything else you said and vote you for president x3

by (159k points)
I would only declare war if innocent people were threatened.

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