+10 votes
in Nordic Club by (774k points)

So Recently I got invited to a nordic event with my cousins, and it was super funsies:D

It was 2 hours from home, but it was worth it. I saw my 1st concert, and I got to perform a Norwegian folk dance 

Also, something shocking happened. I was with my aunt Marie... and guess what.

She is partially Nordic 


It was funsies tho, I dressed up as a girl in the Kalmar Union, and I loved it aaaaaa

also Ulrika slays

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (166k points)
Best answer

That's so cool! And that's so cool that your aunt is Nordic! does that mean you're part nordic

and I agree with the Ulrika thing

by (774k points)
My aunt is 24% Nordic- (and she is a biological aunt so)

Ulrika is a legend (but not the Emigrants Ulrika, the real Ulrika. The Emigrants Ulrika did a lot of horrible things)
by (166k points)
by (950k points)
You are partially Scandinavian, Carly.
by (774k points)
by (166k points)
by (774k points)
by (166k points)
by (774k points)
Mix of various Scandinavia
by (166k points)
by (774k points)
im just Nordic chaos
+1 vote
by (950k points)
I went to my first concert yesterday. Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
+1 vote
by (137k points)
Very cool, it's great that you had the opportunity to hang out with others to that degree.
+1 vote
by (116k points)

Hahaha the title FUN FUN FUN reminded my of my all time favorite meme.

Kazzoo kid.

Look up the video and the remix.

Work of art.

It's worth watching the uncut version (its cut because its long).

And really, I can't stress enough for everyone to see it 

Turn it up and listen and watch carefully

Short, cut version WATCH THE WHOLE THING:

full version:

It was on a VHS that was packed in with a toy kazzoo. Its kinda like an instruction manual lol 

I laugh so hard I cry laughing-tears

Like every single bit is cringe and funny 

Please watch the whole short version at least

Really its worth your time to really watch it lol

(I know I'm weird for wanting you guys to watch it this bad. I just want you guys to embrace every little cringe part in the video (again, sound is important))

This video is from the 80s and is NOT supposed to be funny.

And DO watch the trap remix

by (774k points)
it is funny

and somehow unblocked on my school computer
by (116k points)
Did you watch the whole thing
by (774k points)
by (116k points)
by (774k points)
also why is there a kid named Karl
by (116k points)

laughing-tears. aye look up the trap remix


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