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to start with my crush name is isaac and i known him 4 2 yrs and i had a crush on him since the dya u met him in 3rd grade lile i saw those eyes and smile and i fell! I fell like never before then after 2 yrs were good and all and my friends yahira,jimen, and izabella keep asking me who my crush is but i keep telling them i don't hace a crush later on my best friend whoses name is stella accidentally said super loud " okay so lets talk abt ur crush" she said that as she put her arm around me but unfortunately yahira was right next to me and heard it so now yahira and izabella facetime me and yahira gets the yearbook and they tell me every single boy in 5th grade askingme if i like gim! Me very awkward saying no to every single one and then izabella asks me "oh is it isaac?" Then a few days later stella tells yahira i have a crush on isaac then when i admit it my friends go tell i do like him and then it becomes so awkward because he comes back and asks whixh one of u is idnary? So he didn't know me and that was so awkward! But then i see him talking to my friends and they told me he said that he "only liked me a lil bit" but now my friend whoae name are jimena,yahira,harmony keep pushing me over to him and I hate it bc I can't stand talking to him even though u wanna be his girlfriend and I wannt his phone number bc if wht to say and and then so.e days after telling him he comes and touchs my shoulders twice and said hello beautiful and then he said bye love so that was awkward and then like jn the afternoon yahira asked him if he would date me and he said "yea" which freaked me out!! And also gave harmony the idea to spill to d'quan that i liked isaac even though d'quan had a crush on me and d'quan got so angry he told the whole class abt me having a crush on isaac but the thing is i can not talk to him Bc I can bear lying look at him without having a red face like a literally a tomato then he tells my friend whose name is carson that he loves me and carson tells me and I freak!! And now there's a new problem the teacher i hated quit and then they gave us a such good teacher and now my new teacher doesn't cover the hallway window that u can see who goes in the bathroom and I have noticed that isaac is using the bathroom when I have my afternoon class so I can see him and he like waves or smiles at me and bro that's so awkward because sometimes I pretend I don't see him and I see him just staring but this the thing so in Monday we haved music together and we played 4 corners and he kept following me like the first time we both came to the same one but me and him went 4 opposite sides then the next round we also went 4 opposite sides but since the girls were there I ended up next to him then Tuesday we had p.e together and he waved at me and told me to sit by him So I sat by him and then he got called so he left and then after he was done he came and tried to sit by me but my friends were sitting by my side and then they saw him and they scoot back and then like he sat there and I started turning red as a tomato and then he sat by me and our friends made a circle and we were in the middle so awkward the Maria came and sat by me and isaac asked me " do u like anime?" And i said "yea" then he asked "wht anime do u watch?" and I responded " my hero I choked and said academia " bro so awkward bc after that i like put my head on Maria knees and isaac was like looking at me and I think the coach saw that bc he pointed at me first to got to my seat and then the girls told isaac to come sit by me and he sat and then he asked me " what's ur fav snack?" and I responded responded " idk" and then like that was awkward and I looked at Maria and she said " girl alesat look at him make eye contact" and I looked at him very quickly and turned back and bro then he told me " give me ur hand" and he put his hand out and like I looked in his eyes and smile and gave him my hand!! Then wensday wr had p.e together again but normally he has strings which is a club that u learn how to paly the violin and u meet to practice every wensady but 4 some reason he didn't go and then I learned something new carson Is also part of the me and isaac crew!!! Bc the girls saw him looking 4 me and then like they covered me while carson, yahiraand harmony were " fixing my hair" like bro my hairs not that bad! And then he gave me his ring!!!!! And snapchat!!!! Thursday I forgot his ring Friday we didn't talk and now I need to make a snapchat account to talk to him and bro u just feel like I wanna talk to him so bad but I'm scared! And a few days before this Caroline one of Isaac's closest friends ones to me and she like come over here but I see isaac by her side and say no but anyway I should have known ahe would call the girls to help so I ended up next to him all of them including Caroline pushing me over to him and after the girls leave Caroline holds both our hands trying to make us touch and talk But both of us so awkward the. Caroline says " okay I need u two to propose to each other" and with the each other part I started to walk away but carlione came and talked to me and brought me back then she said " fine but if any of u leave u hate each other" and the thing is we both froze like statuses and then the whistle saved me from that situation! And the truth is the reason I don't have courage to talk to him is bc I have trauma from s boy that rejected me and also from people judging me bc I was myself and now I fear that I will never be able to talk to him!
Been there! In PE my bestie charlotte told my crush Ethan that i liked him! She actually said “imogen wants to tell you something…”and i was put on the spot! My other bestie ivy tried to save me and said “she hates you!” But it was too late. HE PUT IT TOGETHER HIMSELF!!! He said “ cos Charlotte said you had to tell me something and ivy said you hate me, i think know what you mean…’’ and smiled and when back to the game! We were not close friends but in a yr 6 class of 60 we knew each other. Before this we had kind of become class mates i guess, he stood next to me in our maths game and i promised not to get him out if he didn’t. He also complimented me on my art sculpture in our art class saying it looked good! After Charlotte told him he didn’t act any different, occasionally smiling at me if something  funny happened. charlotte told him about 1.5 weeks from the last day of yr 6 and now we go to different schools so we don’t talk anymore. I want to get his number but i can’t contact him.

3 Answers

0 votes
say sup dude!
0 votes
Hey if u need advice just like uh post more stuff and I’ll answer listen there’s this kid in my class but I’m not taking the risk of saying his name but he stares at me and he talks to me and today we talked ALOT and he looked into my eyes with that smiles that always gets me so I’ve had lots of crushes ( some that made me feel bad too) but I’ve learned TONS so i can help Im a kid ( girl) btw
+1 vote
Just stay cool/be urself and think ur crush is ur friend ❣️❣️❣️
by (116k points)
Did you actually read the whole thing? Didn't think so.
Ur right it might be terrifying but if u really can’t just wait for him to talk
Bro u seem like my friend gunner!!!!!

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