+9 votes
in History / Social Sci by (783k points)
so uhh. remember funsies day. (Yes, I am still

Well, I have news.

So appearently before we left for winter break, we had to present our funsies day project. for context, we had to learn about diferent types of European Immigrants in Texas in the 19th century and their impacts, and of course I picked Scandinavians. The options included both Norwegians and Swedes, so I did both for extra credit.

I, being the person who knows the most about Nordic countries in the entire 7th grade, Grinded out the project. I ended taking up 4 hours of research and 3 hours of note taking.  (this is the final project https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/207968/its-about-drive-its-about-power-my-funsies-day-work-that-took-me-so-much-time)

Now, i presented my project. everyone liked it. and I ended up getting a 90. Which is great. Then this one kid, chose Sweden as well. and all he did was write 1 sentence each, he didn't even add pictures and he got a 100.

I was mad since I took a lot of hours of research and got 10 points lower, yet a kid who just wrote 1 sentence got a 100. I went up to that kid, and asked him what the capital of Sweden was.

He Said Berlin


Anyways. IDK how to feel about this. I told this to an Autistic girl in the 8th grade who had a hyperfixation on Physics, and she wrote a very well-written essay just for her to get an 85. I feel like appearently. same thing is happening to me, since I am an Autistic 7th grade girl who has a hyperfixation on Scandinavian culture/history (mainly 19th century Scandinavian history) and she spent hours and even sacrficed sleep working on her project, just for a kid to beat her.

Now, I am proud of my project and my grade... but I feel unfaired.

- Carly.
That's unfair (explain why) (7 votes, 100%)
that's fair (explain why) (0 votes)

8 Answers

+1 vote
by (120k points)
Best answer
let the neurodivergent kiddos cook.
by (783k points)
let us cook
by (528k points)

But I can't cook...

by (783k points)
by (528k points)

Chaplin and Harry Potter and Old Episodes of Sesame Street and—


ADD again

One at a time

That is too many things to write an essay about all at one time

You'll be writing an essay about how Chaplin used to go to Hogwarts dressed as Big Bird in his free-time


Sorry a-^^

by (783k points)
I shall write an SAIN about a Genealogist who draws a lot.

but srrsly should I write a SAIN sicne I am the CEO of the SAINverse.
by (958k points)

Welcome to another episode of Elo Cooks!

EloquentRacer92: By the way, I qualify for Worst Cooks in America.

EloquentRacer92 has decided to cook… mystery meat!

EloquentRacer92: *cooks mystery meat*

EloquentRacer92: Alright guys, this is the finished product! *takes a bite* *dies of unknown poison*

Elo’s ghost: Never cook again.

by (166k points)
"Im  going to cook A Wrinkle in Time (AWIT)!"

JapanPeach cooks A Wrinkle in Time.

JapanPeach eats it.

by (783k points)

he's a good cook or nah
by (958k points)
Better than me, at least.
by (166k points)


Charles Wallace
by (783k points)
by (166k points)
From A Wrinkle in Time
by (958k points)
I’m pretty sure that’s from AWIT.
+1 vote
by (547k points)
That's unfair bc Scandinavian countries are your interest.
+1 vote
by (166k points)
How do you know that kid wasn't joking or something?

Anyways, same thing as Elo said.
by (783k points)
he told me he wasnt joking
by (166k points)
Bro probably copied everything from the internet-
by (783k points)
Nah he just wrote 1 sentence
+1 vote
by (958k points)
Wait… is your school targeting neurodivergent people?
by (166k points)
That just seems like the only explanation.
by (117k points)
by (783k points)
they do celebrate Autism Acceptance Month, but they use puzzlepieces and stuff(and the pieces are associated with Autisim speaks, which is a company that claims they support autism but actually calls Autism worse than cancer, dosen't donate to Autistic charities, supports ABA therapy (not the band)  which is considered Abuse and is even illegal in some countries and the list goes on )
by (166k points)

woah so I'm not the only one who knows it exists
by (783k points)
ABBA (the band) therapy sounds much better. They wrote the soundtrack to The Emigrants Musical-
by (958k points)
Autism Speaks is *************** garbage and they should *****************!

Oh wait, that’s an understatement!
by (783k points)
0 votes
by (783k points)
boost 2x
+1 vote
by (528k points)
I'd have a really hard time paying attention to all of that (ADD here), but I STILL know that BERLIN is the capital of GERMANY >:[
by (783k points)
by (117k points)

Btw Nobi, ADD is a type of ADHD. It’s not a disorder by itself,
by (528k points)
I know that x3
by (117k points)
Another quetsion: why  do you say x3 so much?
by (528k points)
Just an awkward thing I do when I feel like I need to do that.
+1 vote
BRUH that is unfair I am so sorry carly people can be very unfair
+1 vote
by (547k points)
What was funsies day?
by (166k points)
Day where Carly's school did Scandinavian stuff.
by (783k points)

Day where my school finally did a W after the fall of the Kalmar Union, that was in 1523andme

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