+10 votes
in Other by (111k points)

Ok, lets be honest. Where are you guys finding the oldest posts ever and then answering them? Please don't answer posts that are more than about a week old unless it is Let's get 1,500 Answers on This Post, because at that point the post will probably disappear from the 'All Categories' section and be irrelevant to whatever posts are there now.

Since we are doing this post, I figured I would mention trashy usernames. For example, at some point in July or August a guy named 'Nobi's Helper' showed up and claimed themselves to basically be the only person that can answer questions asked by Nobi and such. They also assumed that Minecraftnerdjunior was Minecraftnerd's (I forgot their current user rn but it was that at the time) helper. I mean, get a grip.

Other usernames considered annoying for trashy could be something to do with music, fashion, or maybe just even your name.

Anyways, I hope newcomers can take this post and not ignore it. Because with other newcomer posts, people have.

Thank you for your time.

6 Answers

+2 votes
by (297k points)
Best answer

i think this should be like in the terms of agreement. no joke.
+2 votes
by (29.6k points)
Honestly people can answer whatever they want (:

old posts may be more interesting to some people and THATS OKAY
by (154k points)
by (29.6k points)
yeah it’s confusing why people can’t do what they want when it’s not hurting anyone
+2 votes
by (949k points)
There’s a reason people answer old posts. Maybe they want to revive them, or maybe it’s just really active. And plus, a week is a really short amount of time. So I don’t agree with you on that.

Second paragraph? I agree with that. I mean, if you name yourself for example “TechGuyJunior” and there’s already a “TechGuy”, and you named yourself because you really like TechGuy’s username or really in any way except the Nobi’s Helper case and similar reasons, then yeah. But if you just claim to be someone’s helper and they didn’t approve, then…

Yeah, there’s some usernames that not everyone likes. But as long as it doesn’t break KS rules, then they’re fine and should be allowed, even if one of us doesn’t like it.
by (116k points)
by (154k points)
Thank you for being reasonable.
+4 votes
by (154k points)
This sounds just a little bit harsh.

I get the first part but a lot of people who are new to KidzTalk don’t understand how it works, and that old posts have already been answered, so they try to be helpful. Even I did it when I went under a billion anonymous usernames. This is also how they find their way into the community, because answering some new posts, especially ones asking personal questions, can be difficult if they still haven’t found a way into KidzTalk. I do think it can be a little annoying for the newest thing to be blown up with old stuff, but they are trying.

Now with the usernames, I agree they shouldn’t use names like “Nobi’s helper.” HOWEVER fashion and music!? Girl, no offense, but how is the “dance” in your username much different than either of those!? People should be able to have their username include their interests. Why should anyone care if their username is, say, “Fashionista,” or perhaps “Trumpetplayer,” or “I’mASwiftie? ”People should not be able to copy already existing users even with their own twists but let them use their interests in a username. Even their name, as long as it’s not full, is fine. I’d be happy to talk to a “Bethany” on here, a “Tony,” a “Victoria.” No usernames are trashy. You wouldn’t go up to someone and tell them how trashy their username is just because apparently having the username “Musician201” is annoying, correct? Because thats rude.

I know this had good intentions but I don’t agree with everything you’ve stated.
by (116k points)
by (154k points)
Thank gosh. Someone who gets it.
+2 votes
by (116k points)
Haha Nobi's Helper
by (297k points)
oh Shred, your answers are so meaningful.
by (116k points)

(Why the heck did I just type that)
+2 votes
by (773k points)
1. Idrc if people look at my posts from August-September, they're cringe but they're free to do it

2. How are those usernames (the music and fashion ones) trashy. For example, if I name myself @GarmarnaFangirl23 will that be trashy?
by (111k points)
what I mean is things like 'taytay4eva' or 'preppytildeath'. I think you can agree, Carly.
by (773k points)


by (116k points)
I don’t think so. Peopele can use whatever they want for a user even if it’s not like a singer or style YOU like  with adi
by (111k points)
I nvr said it had to smthg I liked. don't jump to conclusions.
by (116k points)
Well you don’t like Taylor swift, but your okay with Gamana

So it can  be something supporting garmana, but it can’t be something doing the same for Taylor swift
by (773k points)
Well, if I said something like Garmarna4eva it will probably sound weird.

Were not talking about the artist people like, we are talking about how they write their usernames. For example, if somebody write something like "ProudSwiftie" then that sounds cool
by (154k points)



by (949k points)
Yes, PsychoSloth! Agreed!

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