+6 votes
in Adi's Rants by (112k points)

here's a lil life update! (this blog name will be Adi's Rants at some point)


Carly is mad at me for saying a swear and just putting an asterisk. (this thing -> *) AND BEFORE YOU SAY, 'Oh, of course she is mad. Why would Adi say a swear?' IT WAS PART A SONG TITLE. So I have been obsessed with Olivia Rodrigo for a long time and I made a post and said my top three favorite songs by her. And guess what? One of them are called, All-American (B word). So I put an asterisk instead of the I and she goes, 'tHaT sHoUlD hAvE bEeN rEmOvEd bEcAuSe It TrIgGeRs Me.' like girl. I understand that you have Autism, but that's pretty selfish.


Happy (early) New Year's Eve! We are going to my brother's best friend's house around 6 tomorrow for a New Year's Eve party.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (86.0k points)
I am so late.

I think you have a point, Adi. She overreacted A LOT. But I also think it's not good to go around telling everyone the drama you are involved with. Agreeing with PsychoSloth, you are the victim, but also the perpetrator. Still, I am going to say that you and GC are correct, even if you were a bit rude about it. I am also a little annoyed about people tiptoeing around people with mental illnesses, but then again I am no expert, so I don't know if that's, yk, necesary. Respectfully.
+5 votes
by (154k points)

Adi. Please stop telling the whole world the drama you’re involved in, it’s making everything worse. You are as much as the victim as the person who made things worse in the drama. I am absolutely tired of you maybe not deliberately trying to but definitely creating more drama. Calling her selfish is rude, Carly has autism and she has a point, and I agree that it’s a bit overreactive however I get it. It’s not even selfish. 

Every time you do something like this, you make matters worse. I hope I didn’t sound rude in this, but I will saywhat I think is right when others won’t. Please stop and take a chill pill

by (954k points)

Also, who flagged this?
by (526k points)
You know, I look up to you in a lot of ways. You have the guts to say what others are thinking (especially me) all of the time, where I've only done that a few times. You're a real inspiration, and I hope I can be more like you in the future, in this sense.
by (29.7k points)
Thank you I’ve been thinking the same and you actually have the guts to say it. So thank you bc it actually puts people in their place.
by (159k points)
Ngl im taking Adi’s side on this.

Carly IS worshipped on here in every sense but the word.

I love her, but everyone, including myself, has problems.

I don’t think Carly has a point.

If someone made a post about how the Philippines is a relatively poor country (which it is, btw, i have been there in may), I wouldn’t ask them to remove it just because I don’t like my mother’s country getting hate.

Just because soemthing triggers one person doesn’t mean it has to be removed.

Look at youtube and twitch.

Look at it.

Look at the whole dang internet.

Look at it.

EVERYTHING there triggers at LEAST one person.

Do we shut down the internet?


Im defending Adi here because she’s right.

And I’m not shifting my opinion.

Good day.
by (112k points)
by (154k points)

@GC I said that Carly was overreacting. I think both are in the wrong and they both need to let it go. Specifically Adi because she keeps making everything bigger.

@Nobi, @Elo, @Theatregirl thank you for agreeing with me.

Adi, I would pretty please like you to respond to this. Do you understand how mentioning the fight outside makes things bigger? I just want to know that you get it, because I want this mess of comments to stop now.

Everyone has different opinions- I think personally Carly overreacted but in some ways she has a point, but so does Adi, because its just a song. 

I’m just tired of seeing people fight over silly things like over a hecking asterisk. Like really? 

by (112k points)
she needs to stop using her differences as an excuse to be rude to ppl. get the point.
by (159k points)

Ik im late but

Sloth, you don’t understand the point im trying to get across.

Adi was simply making a post, and at least took the time to put an asterisk and acknowledge it was a swear,

Carly decided to escalate it, and she tried to justify her overreacting just because she has autism.

Listen, just because I have a medical condition with my left leg doesn’t mean it justifies me walking up to a random guy in walmart and kicking his privates for no reason.

Carly had zero reason or point to overreact. I don’t get why you are defending her when she is clearly in the wrong; its like defending Russia for attacking Ukraine.

Adi mentioned it because she needed support she was not getting. She did not escalate it, in fact, it helped detente (to relax tensions) with the situation, as it helped me notice so i could put up a defense for adi to defuse the situation.

And, Carly was the one who started the fight over an asterisk.

Its like starting a street fight over an apple.

“Don’t believe everything you see on the internet, that’s how ww1 started.”

Good day again.

its not please dont bother them. they have a point, what could they put instead of an asterik.
by (954k points)
A tag, like they use in Roblox: #

Or this: @, $, &, etc.
by (159k points)
Still, Adi is 100% right in this case
by (215k points)
This is super late but when I cencor swears I do:


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