+5 votes
in Other by (69.5k points)
I’m new and not going on the unholy place of Reddit so I came here to rants me blog! Btw if you see someone that is called KeigoIsHereForTheTea<3 That’s me! If it doesn’t have the heart it isn’t me!!! I can’t make an acc so I use this anonymously!


5 Answers

0 votes
by (954k points)
Aighty, Keigo!

Also, you’re actually using KidzTalk pseudonymously, since you’re using a username that isn’t your real name. If you used KidzTalk anonymously, then you would’ve just been called “anonymous”.
0 votes
by (166k points)
this isnt ur blog

This is GirlPwr4Eva's blog-
by (46.1k points)
by (46.1k points)
BTW, is your profile picture Meifrom the game Overwatch?
by (166k points)
Idk I just googled pfp and found it
by (526k points)
How old do you have to be to play Overwatch? Since you brought it up, I might start looking into playing it... Depending on what you say x3
by (954k points)

Well, technically, anyone regardless of age can play it.

But as for the ESRB ratings, the first installment (Overwatch) is rated T for Teen and the second installment (Overwatch 2) is also rated T for Teen.

If you want a different rating system, just ask me. yes, even the unreliable Common Sense Media

by (69.5k points)
Can you explain please bcuz low key just used a random tag it told me to use. I’m new and don’t know much so sorry if I “stole” somebody’s blog. Didn’t. Mean to. Sorry guys.
by (166k points)
I mean, you put your question in The Normal Blog by Not a Weird Girl which is GirlPwr4Eva's blog. It isn't a blog anybody can use. It's understandable, since you're new, and if you want a blog you can ask KidzSearch for one.
+1 vote
Hi Im RandomGuy!
+2 votes
by (298k points)
hello, Kelgo!!!

welcome :]

also, dont use other people's blogs-

anywho, im Joel. :)
by (69.5k points)
Heyo! I don’t know how to really blog on here so if someone can explain. Uh. Please do.
by (298k points)

well, this is Eva's blog, and you have to register to have one, unless you get permission from another registered user to use their blog.
0 votes
by (117k points)
This is Eva's blog

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