+3 votes
in Girl Online by (5.8k points)

Ok so the first thing I have to say is the fact that I have changed my user to match my blog. 

Ok so now into the main blog post. 

Ok so many people have said in the comments when I say I live in the UK/England that they have always wanted to live in England and I want to say that I love England. But everything isn't as good as everyone makes out all the time as everyone may say. So here is the good and the bad.

First of all the good.

  • Free healthcare!!!! Ok so this may be an obvious one and yh, I get that my parents would be paying for my healthcare but I am saying this because as I'm really accident prone it is so good that the NHS is reall.
  • Ok so next up may be a little controversial but i think that another thing is that I really love the fact that I just have a cup of tea every morning. I'm definitely fully British lol :⁠-⁠D
  • Ok so the final thing is the fact that the weather is actually so much better than the stereotypes. Ok but often the summer you will find me in the smallest shorts that my mother will allow.

 Ok so the next thing I'm gonna be talking about is the bad.

  • Number one. The ice. In the winter, however sunny it has been in the summer at least one day in the winter I have to walk my grandmas dog. I actually just realised something so random. Dog spelt backwards is goD. 
  • Honestly I'm really struggling to find them but here is the next one. Those girls in my class who put on fake American preppy accents. No more to be said
So yh, here is the good and the bad about living in the UK
Girl online going offline
Is the UK still where you want to live
The UK is good (4 votes, 44%)
The UK is bad (1 vote, 11%)
I honestly don't know (4 votes, 44%)

3 Answers

0 votes
Girl, I wish I lived where u live! Ig I'm like Carly. We're both stuck in the US, but we want go go so far away.
by (521k points)
Same! There are some places I want to go in the US, though, like NY and other places.
Yh. Its like, I have such big dreams, but I'm stuck here and if I stay here, it will probably never happen.
0 votes
by (116k points)
That sounds so much better than the USA
by (521k points)
I agree 1000%. I want to go there when I get older, and maybe even live there. I feel like there's so much opportunity there, and that it's way better than the way this country is.
+1 vote
by (521k points)
This didn't deter me one bit. If anything, it made me want to go more x3
by (5.8k points)
Lol. What if I told you that loads of people were bad drivers. Wait nvm, Ur a kid
by (521k points)
Yes, I don't have to worry about driving just yet x3


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