+3 votes
in Venting by (69.1k points)
Alr. I know probaby nobody cares but this exists as a category so I'll use it I guess.

For info I'm 13 and a girl. I love anime and an outcast in my school. My grade are idiots and I don't say that bcuz they bully me but bcuz they are. We have state tests and I got a perfect score on the English one and I was talking about it and this annoying popular girl comes up to me to completely start talking trash about me IN MY FACE. Considering I like anime, specifically MHA, bullying is the only thing I get. I get teased so much to the point when I was talking and shwoing pictures of my cosplay I was tripped after that. I'm tired of it. It's gotten to the point where my friends are leaving me for popular kids. I don't see the point of even going to school now. My parents don't help giving me hard standards that I reach and then they raise them bars higher. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of even being here. There's no point for me anymore. I can't even talk to a new student without getting a bad wrap. I done with it. I wasn't put here for something.

5 Answers

0 votes
by (86.0k points)
Best answer

You are amazing and don't listen to them!! Can you send pics of your cosplay, if you can? I'm sure it's awesome. And, I'm sure you've heard this a lot, but bullies are just the saddest people in the entire school who want to climb out of this deep, dark pit that is life and do that by tearing people down and standing on their bodies. It never works though. Every time they think they get close, they slip on the blood of the people they've hurt.

Sorry that was kinda a dark analogy what I'm trying to say is you are special and we love and support you. in_love

0 votes
by (297k points)
i get bullies to for liking MHA, but you know what?

dont listen to them.

the only reason theyre being mean is either because it makes them feel good about themselves, or because they6re jealous of you.

also, would you be willing to post a pic of ur cosplay, but scribble out ur face? i rlly want to see it! x3
0 votes
Popular kids get horrible grades.

So actually, you can become popular too.




(If you dont wanna be popular, this is still probably a good strat to get a date)

I have given both Shred and his little brother dating advice.

I’m ready to give a girl dating advice!

That sounded weird…


*tv beep*

Okay, I should actually be able to give better dating advice for straight girls (or gay boys, but idk if i wanna do that since it would make me feel uncomfortable) since I know the ways of the male (I have been a male my entire life, shocking I know).

Step one:

Don’t be the “I’m shy and I would pair well with a large, tall, extremely protective boy” type. Try not to be too much like a tomboy (boys are kind of jealous of tomboys since they give them competition so the don’t really like tomboys), and do not try to be too much like a girly girl (boys might think you’re annoying). On the TB-GG 1-10 ratio (1 being more towards tomboy, 5 being centered, and 10 being more towards girly girl), I say go for a 4. Don’t be like “BOYS SUCK AND I WILL DESTROY THEM IN A GAME OF BASKETBALL”, but instead try to not be the shy one in the relationship.

Step 2:

Find a boy that you know is slightly shy (not overconfident, but not social anxiety level), but shares your interests (and genuinely likes you, of course). Whatever you prefer, go for that boy. If he’s shy, he should be easier to get.

Step 3:

Approach the boy, straight off (unlike boys having to do a long process, girls shouldn’t have a long process unless its a popular kid or a jock). Ask him how is day is going. If he starts blushing or takes a second or two to respond, that should be a VERY GOOD sign that he likes you right off the BAT. Ask him if he wants to study during a free period or something. Always be the first one to talk in the conversation. It will make him feel like you actually want to talk with him (be the first so he doesn’t doubt that you like him.), and that you’re actually engaged in the conversation. Smile when you’re with him. If it’s not studying that you wanna do with him, find another pastime. After a week of the pastime with him or studying with him, ask for his number. Keep in touch with him, sending him regular messages every day,

Step 4:

This might be scary, but ask him if he wants to eat lunch with you. It will be like a precursor to a date. This step will really fortify your relationship. He will 99.9% of the time say yes to your offer, so I most likely wont have an alt step (i can always make one, now that i think about it).

Step 5:

After about 3 more weeks of the pastime with him and eating lunch with him, ask him out for a date. This might make you explode, so if you REALLY anxious about this step, wait another 7 weeks after step 4. For the date, go somewhere fun like a trampoline park (ex. Urban Air) or an arcade. Don’t go to his house (or don’t let him go to yours yet) just yet. Arrange something like this: his parents drop him off, your parents drop you off, and they pick you up after about an hour or two.

Step 6:

Introduce each other to your parents. Tell your parents not to be rough on your new boyfriend, just so he doesn’t panic. On your boyfriend’s side, dont panic, regardless of how the parents are.

Step 7:

Oh my gosh, I feel so awkward typing the second sentence in this step, but 2 weeks after step 6, go out on another date. On this date, go for the first kiss. Once again, if you really feel anxious about this step, wait 4 weeks after step 6. Doesn’t matter if its the cheek or lips (most preferably cheek, you’ve only known him for 2 months), but it’s crucial in sustaining the relationship. This will seal the deal, and you might have a relationship that will be good for a long time.


I know you didn’t ask for this, but I really needed to give some dating advice.

(Shred and his lil bro haven’t been on in a while. I gave Shred’s lil bro dating advice, and last I heard, he’s been doing good with it.)

Anyways, hope you use this to your best ability (if you do use it, WOW have i used alot of parentheses here).
by (69.1k points)
Thank you a lot but actually I’m not up for dating due to certain trust issues but thank you for taking the time to type!
by (159k points)
Perfectly fine! Make sure not to lose a grip on your friends though. Sleepovers, hanging out, studying together, etc. If they leave you for the popular kids, they’re not your friends. Get some better ones (I have fake friends and it hurts).
by (69.1k points)

stop. I was looking back at my old posts and saw you were the one that gave this advice and i just found it all so wholesome T_T

P.S. we're friends right?

0 votes
by (543k points)
I get bullied just for liking mc (and talking about it all the time).

My advice would be tell your guidance counselor ano/or principal IN SECRET and/or send them an email so nobody can bully you for telling on the bullies.

I just wait for it to blow over with me bc I've gotten used to it and it usually starts near the last day of school. But for you it seems like it happens earlier in the year. So, yeah.

Or you could ask your school to start an anime club as an extracurricular or ask your parents to sign you up for a social group for people who like anime.

I personally don't like anime but I'm NOT saying I repeat NOT saying you can't like it. Like what you want (as long as it's appropriate)

If all else fails you'll always have us
by (68.7k points)
by (543k points)
Yup last school year people called me a noob. Two school years ago people said Notch died
0 votes
by (202k points)
You are special you are importnat

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