+5 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (57.0k points)
How do i tell him i like him? We’ve been friends for 5 years! Help!

4 Answers

0 votes
by (28.2k points)
Maby first get a friend to ask him if he likes you if he does get the friend to tell him you like him
0 votes
by (264k points)

I saw your response to Rose, and honestly, you don't need a boyfriend right now! I had one, and it didn't work out. Most don't at your age, or even mine!

But I guess there's nothing wrong with telling him... But if you do tell him, where do you expect things to go? Again, dating shouldn't be encouraged in middle or high school. Also, do you date with the intent to marry? Do you genuinely picture a future with him? How well do you know yourself and your worldview/ philosophy? Before you even think about a relationship, you should think about those questions, and focus on yourself for a bit!! a-=D

And hey, there's nothing wrong with flirty friendships! :p Personally, I think you should just stay friends for right now, and go with the flow. Eventually as you get older, something might happen!! :)

Good luck!!

by (57.0k points)
Yeah, so I don’t want him to be my bf, and I don’t want to date him. I just want him to know.
0 votes
by (155k points)
I've never had a boyfriend, but if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
by (57.0k points)
I’m in 6th
by (155k points)
Listen, your in 6th grade, no need for a BF because in reality you know you aren't probably won't marry him. If you ever break up, your friendship with him is lost and the friendship of close friends of his are lost as well. But, im not going to stop you, just trying to give you help.
by (57.0k points)
I dont want to b his gf, I just want him to know
by (155k points)
I get it. I'm sorry, I wish I could help you more but I'm kinda dealing with the same thing
by (57.0k points)
Yeah, I just kinda wanna be in a situationship
0 votes
by (203k points)
Never had a boyfriend sorry
by (57.0k points)
It’s alr, me neither, that’s why I’m asking………. -sigh-


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