+6 votes
in Venting by (159k points)
I’m dealing with problems.

Life feels a little empty for me right now.

Some users are more sensitive than I am.

Yes, it’s true, but sadness is sadness.

Of course there’s a difference between:

#1: Crying about your ice cream you dropped on the ground

#2: Crying because of a family member’s death

I’m feeling like my feelings get ignored here sometimes.

Like other users are cared for more.

I’ve only been here 5 months, yeah, but everyone has gotten plenty of time to know me.

I like boxing.

I like football.

I like 90’s music.

That’s not all there is to me, and I’m pretty sure I’ve made that known.

I feel a little inadequate.

Every single time that I feel bad about myself, I go here so all of you can cheer me up.

I put trust in you.

We all put trust in each other here.

I haven’t heard your voice.

I haven’t seen your face.

I don’t even know alot of people’s names here.

But we’re all friends.

However, there’s different levels of trust.

I trust all of you enough to understand when I feel bad and to help me with it.

I feel like when I vent, it’s not taken seriously, and like two people answer.

And when someone else vents, it’s taken very serious, and the entire population of India answers.

Point is, I just want this community to acknowledge my problems and actually help me with them like they do with everyone else.

Guys, I (platonically) love all of you, but sometimes the trust feels like it’s deteriorating for me.

I just wanna build it back up with all of you.

Do you want to help me with it?


9 Answers

0 votes
by (516k points)


I'm so sorry I never new that your posts where about venting and all and to be honest. I care about you so much. Even if you think I don't like you or whatever i do! I love all of your ideas and I love your bluey sticker posts! Even though I don't really comment or answer that much im really sorry. I'll start taking your posts more seriously.

I guess I've made some mistakes with you and I'm really sorry. I still love you so much! (as a friend and human being) I really don't like it when you are sad and I think all of your posts are meaningful! I really want to do better towards you and I am going to start answering all of your posts and you know why?

A. I care about you. Even if you think I don't.

B. Because if you want support from your kidztalk family then you get support!

And I'm really sorry if some of my posts about venting seem more like, idk how to say this uh sad? Wrong word ik. But I really don't want you to feel this way. I don't want you do feel like aby of us don't like you or are your enemies. Gc I really think of you as sort of a brother. Abd I really don't want you to feel rejected by me or anyone else in any other way. 

All I want to say now is I am really reall truly sorry for making you feel like you don't matter and it hurts me alot to see this post because i really have been a bad friend to you. Even if you feel like you don't know me that much I feel like I need to apologize and I know I do.

I'm really really sorry gravity centered.

And I'm not saying I'm sorry for you. Or for whats happening to you. I mean, of course I'm sorry for whats happening to you right now. But I'm apologizing for how I have acted towards you and I'm really really sorry.

I am going to do better now.



by (516k points)
Its meant to be your name btw
by (202k points)
by (516k points)
Dont ask.

Just an injury
+1 vote
by (117k points)
Sure! I’ll help you with it

But gc, don’t except everyone to answer your posts all the time. I’m not as active as I used to be, and I don’t answer most posts I read. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care.

Gc, I like you as much as I’ll ever be able to like anyone who has such opposing views (platonically obvi) so don’t say your under appreciated
+1 vote
by (159k points)
Boost #3 because I got 2 responses that actually went deep
0 votes
by (213k points)
I'm sorry, GC!! You do know we all love ya (platonically) right? And if you don't, this is a reminder.
0 votes
by (154k points)
GC, I see your vents. I just don’t know how to answer them. And that goes for most peoples too. I don’t even quite know how to answer this one. And I could give you a bunch of “It’s ok, I hope you feel better”-s, or “you are amazing”-s, but sometimes that doesn’t even seem to have any meaning behind it. Like a bunch of pointless spam messages.

So instead I can start saying, “I notice you, and I’m not sure how to help, but I’m hoping everything will be figured out soon enough.”

And that’s what I feel like right now. You can’t force other people to answer your vents, and it’s not like the rest of us always have something helpful to say. We’re never ignoring you, we see you. And we see your problem, and we hope things get better. Most of the vents I see now are just trash anyways (not really vents), I don’t even bother clicking on half of them, but I click on yours.

I’m sorry I haven’t really been saying anything, it’s just been difficult to figure out what to say without it seeming really unnecessary and unhelpful. I know you and your vents are there, and you are just as important as anyone else on KT, okay? Please recognize that. That is one thing you haven’t really seem to have recognized. You are as important as anyone else. Just because something wasn’t acknowledged out loud doesn’t mean it wasn’t acknowledged in someone’s head.
by (159k points)
And I’m not sure how to respond to this other than “thank you”.

You always have a way with words.

I do lack a bit of self confidence, but I’m glad you knock sense into me.

Your style is unique, and that’s good.
0 votes
by (159k points)
Why the heck do I have to boost this?

If this community wants me to leave, I will.

I’m getting sick of 80% of this community flat out ignoring me when I need help.
0 votes
by (544k points)
I try to answer every post I can. I'm sorry you feel this way .
by (159k points)
I feel this way because everyone rushes to someone else’s help whenever they vent

But when I vent people just brush it off and don’t even care
by (544k points)
I care it's just sometimes people can't relate to the situation so it makes it harder
+1 vote
by (526k points)
GC, I'm truly sorry that you feel like the support for you is dying. I try my absolute best not to vent (even when I literally feel that the life for me on here is drained), and when I did vent, only a few of them were really taken seriously.

I'm not trying to say that I'm emotionally stronger than anyone here, because I probably am not, but I'm definitely the one who tries to keep all of their posts and responses upbeat the most I can without venting every month or two.

In a "Which user do you think changed KT the most?" post, I was on no one's list.

I can be really, really selfish and self-centered at times. As much as I hate to say it, deep down, I know this truth. I try to act very humble about these things and try to be grateful that I won some KT events, but I really do expect to be on a lot of these types of posts.

I really did expect someone to say that I was one of the users who changed KT the most. But I wasn't. And I don't want anyone to switch up and quickly answer those types of posts and say my name. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing anyone, or someone feels bad for me.

Again, I'm sorry, but we can't control how other people react or feel about our situations.

I'll try to answer your vents more often.

I'll try to be there for you more often.

I'll try to interact with you more often.

But know that you aren't the only one who goes/went/is going through this "KS depression" thing.
by (263k points)
Your so real Nobi. No one put me down either and I've been here for awhile :') It's okay though, because I totally feel you do have a HUGE impact on KT. I think you've been my longest friend here, and you have an amazing sense of humor! I just hope you know your self-worth. Keep being you <3
by (159k points)
Sorry about that.

You are emotionally stronger. You keep alot of opinions and emotions held back (even more than me, and I have a ton.), more than anyone else here.

Posts like that make everyone feel excited that they might have been chosen, and everyone gets shot down. Things like the KT yearbook makes everyone feel good, because everyone is selected. So don’t worry, “it’s all good, man!” - Saul Goodman

You and Joel are the kindest people on here. Of course, everyone has their own personality behind the screen, but you and Joel maintain your kindness through the chaos that is the internet. And you should expect to be on those kinds of posts! You changed KT the most ever, next to probably Pumpkin.

As said in the previous phrase, you did change KT the most. Some people are just too blind to see that. I did vote Duke, but I think it’s because I miss him too much (he did change KT though, don’t get me wrong).

I know, I’m just said some people pay more attention to other vents more regardless of how serious they are.

Thank you

You always have been here for me :)

You do, which is why you were my first friend here lol

I know I’m not, I’m just a bit smad.

Thank you for being one of my bestest friends here Nobi.
by (526k points)

This really means a lot to me, Cheer. I can't tell you how much.

You are one of the people I look up to on here...

And I can't tell you how surprised I am that I'm your longest friend...


Thank you so much.

I'm sorry I can't give you much, but all I can say is thank you. Thank you :]


You're absolutely welcome, and thank you very much for understanding. I guess It's just one of theose KT phases, huh? x3

I just try to contribute more to this site than I could before I left, which, I feel, took away many of my respect and semi-elder points...

I love you all, and you all are the friends that I could never ask for. I want to be here for all of you, be the comic relief everyone needs, but with a lot of these vents, I don't know how to help or react.

So, again, I'm sorry, I don't answer some of your vents. But that doesn't always mean I don't read them.

I love being your bestest friend :]

by (213k points)
Aww nobi, we all love you!!

You were, like, the first person to say hi to me, my first online friend, and my first KT bestie!!
by (526k points)
I love that :]

Thank you so much, GP...
by (213k points)
No problemo :]
by (117k points)
Nobi, I  feel the same way
0 votes
by (202k points)
Aw It okay Gravity Centered please dont feel sad. I always try to cheer U up. Btw U know my name right?
by (159k points)
Yeah Anna
by (202k points)
Nope It Annabelle but I like to be called Anna

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