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Help! So I recently joined a new school and it's like 3 weeks in the term. I met this really nice girl (I'll call her Lola). So Lola is really nice and we are best friends. We hang out every break and stuff. Then they announced a school trip we'll be going on in year 6. I know it's quite far away as I'm in year 5, but we're not acting like it. I'm not just friends with Lola - I'm friends with all the girls in year 5. But Lola doesn't like my other friends except one (let's call her zigi). Zigi and Lola are actually quite good friends. So then we were deciding who to bunk with on the trip. Me and zigi both wanted to bunk with lola. Lola said she doesn't now who to bunk with. We were then saying this game at break where lola and I were zigi's bodyguards, and had to protect her from the people who were chasing her. They changed the rules and made it so that zigi could only have one bodyguard. She and lola clung together and I hung back. I was only playing this game to hang out with them! On of the boys raised his eyebrows at me, and I had to play bodyguard to one of my other friends. This would normally been OK, but I felt mad. After lola said she wanted to bunk with zigi and I felt mad at lola. Zigi was not leaving me out deliberately but I felt lola was please tell me what to do! Sorry for the long letter guys! heart xxxxx love anonymous girl xxxx

1 Answer

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by (5.7k points)

Hi! So, I think the answer to your problem is to talk to Zigi. Tell her how you felt. If you feel okay with it, talk to Lola too. If Lola WAS actually trying to leave you out, maybe try to hang out with other people more. Leaving people out is not okay.  I hope this helps you. :3

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