+6 votes
in Venting by (130k points)

So I have this crush, right?

(Lets call him D for privacy reasons)

So I've liked D maybe since November?

My brother   told him a week after I developed my crush on him bc they are both friends. He just laughed and said, "Really?" 

 So....it was really awkward whenever I passed him in the halls. We kinda just give each other the side eye. 

Then, when all the grade 6s from my class went to type with our EA, (let's her call her C) , we were talking about how he could have a crush on me(but most likely does not) and then Zach (a really really annoying guy in my class) said, "Uh...he might like Zoey! JK!" ( Zoey is one of my friends btw, but not really anymore) and then I was reallyconfused.

I have a creeping suspicion that he does like her, and I think Zach  said jk so that wouldn't hurt my feelings. 


I really hope it's not true, cuz I've literally had 4 crushes that didn't like me back in the past, and it really annoying!

I know I can't force someone to like me, but it would be nice.

Is it that I'm not pretty enough???

Help me!

Also I might do a ootd tomorrow for school.

I didn't have school today cuz it's a break day.

Also help Lucky You by Taylor Swift is stuck in my head

Okay that's enough of chi chat

Byee my arm is gonna break off:))))

Okay fr tho goodbye

I'm outta here:3

2 Answers

0 votes
by (951k points)
What’s an OOTD?

And also, I’ve had 2 crushes ever, my first one a lot of girls liked and I don’t think he liked anyone, my second one, well…

I’m 99% sure I’m the only girl who likes him, I’m 70% sure he likes me back, I’ve liked him for 14 months, and a lot of people say that they know who I like and it happens to be my crush. Yet, I haven’t confessed my love to either of my all-time crushes.
by (263k points)
OOTD means "outfit of the day" :)
by (951k points)
+1 vote
by (515k points)
OML SWIFTIE YOU ARE the most pretty person I have ever not met from inside out.

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