+4 votes
in Other by (57.0k points)

Hunger is a huge problem and although adults have organizations that stop it, kids are more meaningful. So I want to help stop hunger, or at least make people more aware. But I need people like YOU to help me. Do you want to help me stop the horrors in this world? Thank you for reading.


7 Answers

0 votes
by (154k points)
I would love to join this!

Hunger is a huge issue, and as someone who potentially could have that issue right now with my circumstances, I really think we should do something!
0 votes
by (57.0k points)
Maybe we could start a club on KS? Idk how to do that… Do u have to have a certain number of points? Idk
by (780k points)

anybody can make clubs
by (57.0k points)
Ok! Thanks!
0 votes
by (955k points)
Yeah I want to help.
by (57.0k points)
0 votes
by (546k points)
0 votes
by (57.0k points)
Like actually thanks for reading I bet u thought it was clickbait…
0 votes
by (113k points)
How would I help? Donate 100k to ur moms paypal?
by (57.0k points)
Uhhhh, no, thanks
0 votes
by (780k points)
I'm Venezuelan (by birth), and hunger is a huge problem there

Every year, I donate food to organizations in Venezuela

Thankfully, I didnt deal with hunger in Venezuela and I no longer live there, but a lot of people are starving there
by (57.0k points)
That’s awesome! So, do u want to join?
by (780k points)
by (57.0k points)
Yay!!! Tysm

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