+1 vote
in Venting by (154k points)

i try really hard not to vent

but today i was kind of overwhelmed

and i kind of found my razor

and i

i used to scratch myself

and then i got better

after i painstakingly told my mom

i dont want to tell anyone again

it hurt but like

i kinda

liked it

i dont know what to do

i accidentally cut myself with the razor last week

and thats when it clicked like


not too bad

please help i dont know what to do i feel so overwhelmed and like crying and im not even sure why, im completely confused right now and im restraining myself. im scared. i should be able to control myself. i need to give the melatonin in my room away before


4 Answers

+1 vote
by (543k points)
Tell your counselor
by (154k points)
I really don’t want to, then she’d tell my mom and it’d become a big scene-
+1 vote
by (212k points)
Sometimes I feel the same way. Sometimes I feel.... Like, well maybe you can guess..

But I always think about how sad my friends and family would be if I did it. Maybe think about how amazing you are, and how much everybody would miss you. And, please, please, please, don't give in to the impulsive/intrusive thoughts. If you did.. You'd regret it later, I'm positive.

-Your fren, GPWR4EVA
by (154k points)
I’ll try.

Thank you.
by (212k points)
Of course! anything for my frens.

+1 vote
by (525k points)
Sloth, calm down.

You're having an episode, I don't know what kind, but it's going to pass and you're going to feel better.

Please just take deep breaths and calm down, maybe close your eyes and think of really good things, like your crush.

Deep breath in...


Deep breath out...


Good thoughts...


You're going to be okay.

I promise.

You trust me, right?
by (154k points)
I trust you.

I did this last night and I feel less like this now…

Thank you, Nobi.
by (525k points)
You literally shouldn't thank me; I would do anything to help :]
+1 vote
by (159k points)
This is not like you to vent, so I’m gonna try hard to help.

I’m gonna be honest, I deal with the same situation but with different stuff.

What do I do?

I watch the biggest gigachad thing I can.

It sounds dumb, but I do it.

With your situation, here’s what I’d do.

1: Deep breaths. In and out 5 times.

2: drink some water.

3: lay down.

4: rest for a minute.

5: do something else you enjoy for an hour.

I hope this helps.

Sorry Sloth :(
by (154k points)
The “rest for a minute” turned into a full on sleep-

Thank you, GC, this helped a lot.

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