+6 votes
in Venting by (86.0k points)

Urg!angryI was helping my sister with cake pops and she got some brownie on the floor, I got a few crumbs in the stove when I took ‘‘em out of the oven. So our mom told us to take care of that. So we did. Then I had to do the dishes, and half of them weren’t even mine! Then I had to clean out the entire sink and it was very messy. Then, to make matter worse, she came and said she didn’t mean to yell. Which is horrible. Why is it horrible? Because the only one thing worse then her horrible and loud yelling is when she is kicking herself and then telling me about it! And that’s saying a lot because her yelling hurts, and when I say hurts, I mean 10 yr old crying. So I can’t stay mad at her when she does it, so my anger just sort of crumbles like a wall after a hurricane. And she does this after she yells. Every. Single. Time. And then I feel bad and she knows it so she comes to my room before bed and does her speech of, “I’m sorry”, and “I didn’t mean to” and “I will love you even if you burn the house down.” Ok. That was it. Thanks for listening to my rant. Ok. Bye.a-=(

1 Answer

0 votes
by (3.4k points)
Best answer
Well me and my brother have to do pretty much all the cleanup at night even though we have eight other siblings.
by (86.0k points)
8! I only have two!

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