+4 votes
in Venting by

So, my mom's deciding on me doing something with a friend. It sounds fine, right? But we're not even friends. Last year, she was so horrible to me and my best friend (who is also someone I like. Like. Like. That made no sense, sorry xd) and literally bullied her. She told lies about us, getting rid of people who used to be nice to us. And this year, now that my best friend is at another school, she thought we could just be friends again. I've tried to cut her out of my life, but it's really hard when she insists on starting conversations, and we end up doing stuff together because my mom thinks she's 'such a sweet kid'. I've come home crying and saying that she's been so mean to us, and apparently I was just lying. Maybe that's because she got her mother to text mine saying that I was a liar and excluding her and 'we were only doing things [my name] wanted to do'. Uh, we went weeks playing tag, which both my best friend and I absolutely hate. She didn't listen to us, didn't pay attention to us.

And she's homophobic. She knows I'm not straight (she found out, surprise, surprise), and she literally thinks there are two sexualities. She's hanging out with people who also mildly bullied me. (I say mildly, because it didn't happen often, but it happened.) When I told her they were homophobic, I told her what it meant. (because apparently we have equal rights and nobody hates on 'you gays' as she says? What?!) She said 'it can't be that bad, right?' She's also so horrible to LGBTQ+ people, and literally said 'I think I'll be that' when my friend and I had to explain to her each letter in the acronym and when we said lesbians. She says that a man and a man can't get married when I brought it up in a story, and she's thought I was joking. 

I'm pretty sure she outed me to a few of her awful friends, and probably wants to bring it up when we do the thing my mom scheduled. I don't even want to go (I'm pretty sure I made that clear to her), but she's still forcing me to. The worst part is, if she talks about it, both her mom and my mom will be there, and my family doesn't even know. I don't want to go, and how do I get out of this? I'm this close to pretending to be sick.

Also, keep in mind, my mom just said 'well, she's a lot sometimes' and I'm just like EXCUSE ME?! SHE BULLIED HER. THAT'S NOT-

My mom just said I was being rude to the person that I don't like.

5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
That kid sounds like an absolute nightmare.

Do you have a phone or anything to contact your friend with? Maybe y'all could call and explain to your mom what that kids doing.

Or just sit down with her and explain everything you just told us.

I hope it goes well my fren :D

- Dino
I can take my mom's phone and call. (Sometimes she knows I have it, sometimes she doesn't, ngl-)

I'll try to explain!

Thanks :)
by (127k points)
Sorry, off topic, but how did Emo get Best Answer when WN isn’t even registered? Very confused about this.
Sometimes I can't select best answer, but most of the time I can! But I can't edit or anything after a bit because I'm unregistered. I can't select then.

by (127k points)
So you can still control your posts and stuff if you, like, haven’t closed KidzSearch?
Yeah, most of the time! :)
0 votes
Update: My mom's still making my go because apparently we can't keep putting it off and that they've wanted to go bowling for ages.

She said I could stay in the arcade, but know she's making me go bowling and I'm not allowed to go to the arcade. I hate bowling, and she made a promise, and now she's breaking it for someone she says really likes hanging out with me. If she likes hanging out with me, she siphon isn't have bullied my best friend. Apparently that's okay to bounce back from with no conversation? To just assume we can be best friends after the whole summer and bullying?


She's been like this the entire school year.

And I don't care if I get in trouble, but I just want to ignore this girl the whole time.

The place we're going to is also super racist and homophobic, adding multiple other reasons I do not want to go.
by (528k points)
Yeah, you should just refuse. Like, no. Absolutely not.

Tell your mom that this "person who really wants to hang out with you" can go hang out with someone else. Cuz it ain't gonna be you.
Yup. She can hang out with the homophobes who are literally just using her.

I ended up having to go, but her brother was there, so she was more busy telling him to leave her alone.

It's annoying, but I think I can slowly stop being friends after today.
by (528k points)
Great. I'm glad it wasn't that bad of an experience! :)
+1 vote
by (528k points)
I'm sorry I didn't see this!

I wasn't having the best day today...

I'd say just explain to both moms what this little non-family friendly word is doing to you! If they don't believe you, you should still refuse to play with this kid. She sounds like... I don't know if you know who I'm talking about, but I like to use HP references so..

She sounds like a child Umbridge XD

Hope things go well!

It's fine! I hope the rest of your day (even though this won't be approved until a bit later) is better!

I'll try to! This is really good advice!

I mean, she kind of is xd. Not only is she like this, she wears a lot of pink. And as my cousin says, 'you can't trust someone that wears that much pink.'

Thank you! :D
by (528k points)
Aww, thanks!

And yeah, if you wear too much pink, your personality probably stinks. (Don't judge a book by its cover, though!)

Yeah. (But not always. I know a lot of people that wear pink and are super awesome!:D)
by (528k points)

(Yeah, but what if their whole thing was just PINK, and their whole entire office/room was PINK, and their whole entire trademark was just PINK)

Well, yeah, maybe, maybe not.
+2 votes
by (154k points)
Oh jeez, that’s one pickle of a situation. Nobody should force anyone to come out, nor BULLY them for being LGBTQ. This is just messed up.

Can you possibly tell the entire story (besides that lgbtq+ detail) to your mother? Or, maybe call your best friend and have her tell your mom for backup why you aren’t lying? Maybe say, “I am your CHILD! Why don’t you trust me?”

You also can just flat out refuse. Your mother can’t force you to hang out with someone who made you so uncomfortable, angry and hurt. That girl sounds like a karen. So does her mom. And I should know, as I have been (excuse me while I let a tear shed) called a karen multiple times. Your mom may like her, but she might not realize that the girl is that one kid who is a demon to kids and an angel to adults. “I can’t go, and I won’t go. And for some reason, you won’t listen to my reasoning.” It’s okay to have a little fight with an adult.

Also, quick question. Would your family be okay with your coming out? Are they supportive? Because in the horrible scenario that girl does out you, can you think of any reaction from your mom that is good? Or is it going to be a nightmare?

I’m really sorry you have to deal with this, Writingnerd! You don’t deserve this :(  I hope I helped in some way and that it gets better!!
I could tell it. I might try to call my best friend. She's good at convincing people.

That's a good idea. I can see that quote going on my bedroom wall.

She is that type of person. And a karen. Definitely.

My family would definitely be supportive, and I think my mom would be fine with it. At least there's that, because not everybody has a situation like that.

You did help, a lot!
+1 vote
by (546k points)
Explain to your mom.y you don't want to go
Okay! :)

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