+5 votes
in Neurodivergent Club by (774k points)

Me : I hate loud noises, they're overstimulating

Also Me 

proceeds to blast Scandinavian folk music so loud that it can be heard from other side of the world rock

My friends : why dont you talk about being Neurodivergent to the other kids

Me : I dont want them to think im weird

(I dont have neurodivergent friends)

My Brain after a change :

Me taking a deep breath before I talk about my hyperfixations

Everyone when I finish SPED camp (I miss SPED camp)

5 Answers

+1 vote
by (524k points)
Best answer

I don't like changes, too.

I also have hyperfixations, but I try not to talk about them in real life that much, and I also try not to talk about them as much here too, because I don't want to annoy anyone.

I also sort of dislike loud noises, but I love blasting music that I vibe with...

These are even more reasons why I'm autistic—

by (774k points)
I am the master of annoyingness

I do rant about my hyperfixations to my friends and my teachers, but then I annoy everyone elsse
by (524k points)
by (774k points)
I am the queen of annoying
by (524k points)

If you would like me to infodump, or give cool and/or random (possibly weird, hopefully in a good way) facts about my obsessions/hyperfixations, just say the word meowla

by (774k points)
by (524k points)

Was that the word x3
by (774k points)
by (524k points)
What would you like to know about him :D
by (774k points)
anything. but you have to ask me anything  about my hyperfixations in return
by (524k points)
I need you to tell me what specific thing you want to know about him in order for me to possibly tell you x3
by (774k points)
I want to know what movies he made
by (524k points)

Well, I'll tell you about his most famous ones :D

There's "The Kid", which is probably his most famous film out of all of his films,

There's "City Lights" which involves him helping a blind woman get the treatment she needs to be able to see again (among other shenanigans he goes through in that movie. I haven't seen this myself, yet, but I've read up on it :]),

There's "The Gold Rush", right up in fame with "The Kid". I've watched this two times and it was great both times x3

TGR is probably one of my favorite movies so far!

Then there's "Modern Times", which is about working in those modern times (the "modern times" in those days involved hard labor for little pay),

And then, there is the controversial one of his, and where he made what is today called one of the greatest speeches ever...

"The Great Dictator"!

If you can't tell what it's about just by the title, it is a satirical film that was made close to the beginning of WWII, and it makes fun of Adolf Hitler.

I'm planning on watching it one day :D

1. Do you have any questions on these movies, and

2. What else would you like to know about him?

by (774k points)
well what do you want to ask me now
+1 vote
by (9.3k points)
I would blast Viola Emma Kok if my parents let me.  Warrior too lol.
by (774k points)
I always blast Nordic folk

specially Garmarna

(Check them out, They're Swedish tho)
by (9.3k points)
Ok, will do!
+1 vote
I relate to the first one lol
by (774k points)
0 votes
by (117k points)
Bro tried sneaking moomin
by (774k points)
I tried sneaking The Emigrants for the last pic
+1 vote
by (202k points)


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