+2 votes
in Mental Health by (112k points)
So as y'all know, I have anxiety, and I have no one to help with it.

No therapist.

No school counselor.

No friend.

Yes, I may have 4 best friends I would die for, but I feel like I can't tell them what I go through.

I am constantly tired and I value myself less and less everyday.

I constantly feel like I'm alone.

Weekdays don't feel as nice as they used too.

Time gets faster for me.

I am scared of growing up.

I'm terrified even.

I don't know what too do.


3 Answers

0 votes
Growing up definitely sucks. it feels like you lose some of the happy things you find enjoyable. it feels like fun comes to an end. it feels like you're all alone. so it's definitely common for someone to feel terrified of it, or scared. but, not all of it is bad. i don't really know what reasons you are terrified of growing up for, but ill guess because of losing things,feeling horrible all the time, or the amount of pressure you get the more you grow up. if so, I'll tell you that it sure happens, but it doesn't have to be as bad. when you grow up, you will have to pay taxes, find houses, go to stupid meetings your boss might tell you to go to, and more. but, what makes it okay or good, is that out of all the bad things they have, there are small things that make this hard life enjoyable. painting,hanging out, staying up real late to watch one of the best shows of all time with your dog, going to that new years party your neighbor is hosting, and much,much,more. people like to tell you adult life sucks, and that you'll die once you step foot in it. but, they don't tell you that, it doesn't have to suck that bad, it just depends on your perspective. i haven't been an adult yet, true, but i have done some research on it,( going on to quora and reading questions asking how is adult hood is really like) but i think you'll be just fine.
0 votes
by (544k points)
Talk to Ur parents
by (112k points)
News flash, my parents aren't the type to give advice.
+1 vote


Hey i unerstand

Except he friends i dont have friend

Lol sorry (said lol cuz me)

People dont understand me



Oh yeah cant talk today

Sorry agan

who else likes reading up and down like a poem

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