+1 vote
in Other by (57.0k points)
I’ve been really scared about me or my family and friends dying. My mother says it’s a phase, and she had the same thing, but like… a HIGH SCHOOLER got shot in my area…and it’s been accelerated ever since. I’m scared of guns, and death…is it a phase? I have really bad anxiety already and have been to a therapist a lot…I’ve told him about it and he hasn’t really helped. Do y’all know how to help? Have y’all had that? I’m turning 12 in  16 days and I’m just really stressed.


2 Answers

0 votes
I am sorry but idk what to say, maybe take your worries and fears to God?

Idk anything else really, are you Christian? Hope you can work it out!

(How old r u?)
0 votes
by (57.0k points)
Ack why isn’t anyone answering
by (16.6k points)
hey its ok

I went throw it to it is a phase tho your ok

I still feel like that when ever me and my nana  walk to the store she tell me to go on the side of the sidewalk that is far away from the cars and I think in my head I would sacrifice my life for any one even a stranger

i know

but your ok evry thing is ok

lets do a prayer

dear god thank you for this u have made for me and my friends and family to live thanks u for letting these negative thoughts go out of my head in jesus and name and fathers name i pray AMEM
by (57.0k points)
Amen! O my gosh thank u so much!

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