+2 votes
in All Advisors by (28.5k points)
Please help I have anxiety and it’s pretty bad I get bad  stomach aches and it sucks!

If you have  anxiety like this please coment what you do to help it!

P.s my moms a therapist so I don’t need counseling
by (18.0k points)
liston to some music it always helps

9 Answers

0 votes
by (106k points)
I have severe anxiety. It gets in the way a lot.

I normally listen to music, read or draw.

Mainly anything to take your mind off the subject.

You could also try journaling your feelings.

Hope this helps.

0 votes
by (36.0k points)
I don't really have anxiety but I feel anxious when pulling an all-nighter (particularly when grabbing snacks or drinks)
0 votes
I used to have anxiety really bad, but now it's not too bad since I am homeschooled. I used to go to school and they put so much pressure on you! Hope it gets better! (Glad your moms a therapist!)
0 votes
by (62.7k points)
Sammmme! I have emetophobia which is fear of throwing up so my stomach hurts every time i am worried or scared or have anxiety. I also go to a therapist although it doesn’t help all that much for me…
by (28.5k points)
Omg I think I have that to!
0 votes
by (584k points)

i won't elaborate unless asked.
by (62.7k points)
0 votes
Yeah, of course, but, i take  lexa pro for that reason

(I used to take Prozac it didn't work as well as the less pro did)
0 votes
by (1.35m points)
Every day lol, along with other things. You're not alone and it gets better!
0 votes
by (105k points)

Uhm- how do I put this

My crippling anxiety is so bad its sometimes dehabilitating 

0 votes
by (95.5k points)
Hey ice cream! I have anxiety and am diagnosed. It’s genetical in my family so yeah :P

Stomach aches suck and I don’t rlly get them but I do get rapid heart beat and dizzy vision.

Hope you feel better :D



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