0 votes
in Other by (2.0k points)
like when is it?

9 Answers

0 votes
by (26.1k points)
Unofficially November
0 votes
by (154k points)
There’s no “Men’s History Month.” There are no history months given out to people who haven’t had to overcome discrimination of a sort in the past (or even right now).

And like the others said, every day is a day for men, really. Men don’t get discriminated as often as women, do they? Men have more power and rights. Every day is celebrating them, seeing as they are better treated then the rest of us.
by (159k points)
There should be an official “men’s history month”, in my opinion. Heck, it’d actually make sense. A month each for men and women should be gender equality.

Every day is a day for men, hmmmm. Well, technically, yeah. I’m a man, today is a day for me, and it’s the same with the other ~4 billion men in the world. I know what you’re trying to get across. Well, guess what? Most men are more likely to get convicted of a crime, and are more likely to get harsher sentences. Do we have more power? Politically and in terms of bone structure, yes. Do we have more rights? No. It’s not the 1950’s anymore. Men can’t beat their wives for no reason and pick out any woman to spend the night with. It’s 2024, and overall it’s pretty equal. The media likes to bend reality, and I know that from experience.

Sloth, I love you as a friend, okay? It’s just hard for me to stand back and not respond to some things. I’m sorry if I offended you.
by (950k points)

Black men couldn’t vote for a while.

But there’s already Black History Month.

0 votes
by (3.9k points)
Men's History Month is not a widely recognized or officially designated event in the same way that Women's History Month is. However, some individuals and organizations may choose to observe and celebrate men's history during the month of November, coinciding with International Men's Day on November 19th.
0 votes
There's none, but there's an International Men's Day on November 19 (I think?).
0 votes
by (523k points)

Almost every month is men's month :/
My dad, and basically most dads get some sort of recognition and a feeling of being cared for on Nov 19, that’s ONE day in a year. When it comes to those without kids it’s never. Other than when I was in a loving relationship, I haven’t felt appreciated ever. And I mean for just being a man, not doing something. So I don’t understand how “basically every month is men’s month.

Now if this was about rights also, and we lived like 70 years ago, that would be something to talk about. But now rights wise there is literally zero inequality if you’re in an 1st world country. Some people say wage gap, but for decades it has been ILLEGAL to pay someone less based on gender (on average women tend to not argue their salary, go into fields that they like instead of the ones they hate but pay more, and work way less hours). Then another one I’ve heard a bit it “abortion rights.” We never had a say in that either so idk who you gotta argue about this but it’s not us. If we’re both not allowed something, by definition, that’s equality.

So you get the point. The media loves to hate on men and now people actually think this is true (I’m honestly curious if you say it more as satire or as something serious) but men have never, and still are not appropriated for nothing more than being a man. Men loose it when you compliment their hair cuz it’s so rare for dudes to get compliments. imagine how’d they react for just a “thank you for being a man” lol
0 votes
I don't even think they have one...
0 votes
by (56.8k points)
Literally every day is men’s day. 365 days a year.
by (950k points)

March 8 is International Women’s Day.

And plus, there’s 366 days this year.

by (523k points)
Imagine if we didn't have a leap year...

Christmas would literally be in July—
by (56.8k points)


by (950k points)

There is actually a holiday called “Christmas in July”. It’s celebrated on July 25, which happens to be my grandma’s birthday, and my grandma’s birthday is a day before MY birthday.

by (2.0k points)

How did you type so small at the end.

0 votes
by (202k points)
They dont have one. Almost all the holidays R about men
0 votes
by (774k points)

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