+4 votes
in Other by (14.5k points)
I have loads:

I went to mars with my year/grade 4 teacher.

I crashed into a van in the middle of the sea and drowned before falling into a black hole.

I convinced King Charles to turn Muslim.

Yeahhhhh don’t judge x3

I have a lotta stuff going on in my mind. Anyhoo comment ur weirdest dreams below!


14 Answers

0 votes
by (56.9k points)
A flamingo going to jail


All true.

Don’t ask.

I was 4.
by (526k points)


​​​​​​He did nothing wrong

Free himmmmm :[

0 votes
by (34.8k points)
I once had a dream where I beat the Ender Dragon in a fist fight it was really weird I also tamed it and I flew around in circles on its back for a bit and then the dream just ended
by (14.5k points)

When your strong enough to knock out a dragon with your fist… 


that wasn’t me

I luv the dream! Ty for contributing!

by (34.8k points)
Yw lol
0 votes
by (85.5k points)

Here is one:

So I was sitting in a church pew and then Bilbo Baggins walking (from the hobbit) then I jumped up and ran out of the main part of the church into the hallway then down the stairs into the basement which turned into the backrooms. That's when I realized I was getting chased by something really scary and it was breathing fire (Idk if it was a dragon) and somehow I escaped the backrooms into the church again and then out the church. I ran into the freeway and running down the freeway (my brain is really weird). Then I run off the nearest exit and run down a curve in the road and I saw 3 people standing there and as I ran pass I said "I'm dreaming aren't I" to them and they just started at me. I ran off the road to a church I walked in the church sat in the pew and then Bilbo Baggins walked into the church....

It was kind of creepy at the end when I just woke up....
by (526k points)
The end doesn't sound creepy, it just sounds like a loop x3
by (14.5k points)
OMD bilbo baggins <3

I’m joking lol but I am a HUGE fan of Lord of the Rings
by (85.5k points)
Lol sameeeee
0 votes
i think it was the dream that i was in a pool then medusa came then medusa turned everyone to rock then i flushed medsua's staff down the toilet then i slapped medusa in slow-mo then we became friends again then we went to pandora
by (14.5k points)
When your history lessons clash with your brain…

x3 luv it!
0 votes
Uh, my dad had gone on a business trip for 4 years and came back late at night, when we were about to go upstairs to our beds. A family of elephants, who were wearing clothes and could talk and stood on their hind legs, came in. My dad said, “Oh hey guys! Sorry Natalie(my name), I have to go back to the rainforest for 7 more years, bye!” And he left.
by (14.5k points)
Your dad must be some serious environmental activist (I obviously don’t know if this is true irl but it seems so in the dream)

x3 interesting dream!
0 votes
by (544k points)
I had one really recently that I went into school and some of the rooms (including my first block classes) were missing. The next day when I went in irl it felt weird
by (14.5k points)
That must be so disorienting x3 but it’s a weird dream and I like it!
0 votes
by (159k points)

#1: about 3-4 years ago, I was trying to find frozen potatoes in a mcdonalds, doing it Indiana-Jones style

#2: about 2 weeks ago, I held hands with my older friend (who’s a girl) in the next grade up

#3: literally last last night, my older friend (same as in #2) pecked me on the cheek

#4: when I was 5, I had a dream where I had to run away from bigfoot at my school’s playground after my friend abandoned me

#5: about 4-5 years ago, I had a dream where zombies driving a dump truck ate my parents
by (526k points)

The lore—

by (14.5k points)
OMD These are some weird dreams.

I LUV IT! the weirdness is gr8! Not in a bad way obvs.

0 votes
by (154k points)
I had a dream my family and I were having an underwater race and I could breathe there for some reason.

So we were swimming and split ways (my brother, my friend and I one way the rest the other) and we found this house

My dreams always have unnerving feelings but this house made me really uncomfortable

So I went into the house and we explored and then on a hook was a creepy Barbie head????

And the head was spinning

And so my brother and I tried to convince my friend to leave and she wouldn’t because she found a bunch of toys

And then as we finally left something was following us but I couldn’t turn my head or anything we just kept swimming

That was a dream I’ll always remember
by (526k points)

Yep, very unnerving.

I hate when I'm having a nightmare and I just want to rush to the scary part—

And act like I'm all brave and not scared when in reality I am most likely going to wake up and think about that dream for the rest of the day


Or I forget what scared me—

Also, at first I thought you said that your head was spinning x3

by (14.5k points)

OMD don’t get me started on my nightmares- 

unless you want me to 

12/10 for scariness x3

by (154k points)



At least I lucid dream sometimes that’s a bonus skull

by (56.9k points)
by (14.5k points)
I had a dream someone killed me so I get you!!
0 votes
by (263k points)
I was hanging out with my queen Hello Kitty and Mario bit my leg.
by (159k points)

You need to see the “Mario wants your liver” animation skull

by (526k points)


by (14.5k points)


Amazing dream! In weirdness I mean. The biting is just-
by (263k points)


And then I proceeded to write about about it in my Hello Kitty Dream Diary the next morning T_T

by (526k points)
by (14.5k points)
0 votes
by (526k points)

You would think my weirdest dreams would come up in a painting by Salvador Dali—

The perspective is all weird, they most of the time don't even make a bit of sense, and they are usually very crazy and sometimes unnerving...

by (14.5k points)
THATA THE SAME 4 ME! When I tell my parents I think they’re actually getting worried for my sanity!!

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