+2 votes
in Other by (56.8k points)
I just had a panic attack, (I have emetophobia, fear of throwing up) and my stomach still hurts really bad. I’m not in school, that’s how bad it is, but my mom wants me to go back in half an hour…I still am anxious, not as bad, but my stomach still hurts really bad…what do I do? Can u help?
by (28.2k points)
Take deep breaths I have emetophobia to and think what’s the worst thing that can happened and what’s the best hope this helps!

-your friend:icecream13

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (202k points)
I get car sick so Ive been throwing up all my life
by (56.8k points)
I couldn’t imagine.
0 votes
by (515k points)
I think I can help.

When I was nine or ten I had a fear of throwing up. The problem was, that fear of throwing up made me throwing up. I got very scared of eating because I was fearing of throwing up. This went on for around..4 or 5 months before I finally told my mom and she got me a therapist. And the therapist told me that I have..well HAD emetophobia. And it was really scary because I wouldn't eat when I was at events. And I would not eat at home either because I really was deeply scared of my stomach not agreeing with me and me throwing up. I was insanely worried for my health.

But eventually don't worry I told my mom and she helped me get over my fear by taking me to a therapist. The therapist starting helping me calm down. And I still remember some of her drills. Whenever you feel that I'm gonna throw up feeling, Plant your feet on the ground. Inhale super loudly until you feel planted to the ground. Then pretend your floating and breathe out very very very very very very slowly. I can't really tell from your post if you have the same thing that I had when I was younger but I hope this helps you a little!!

And if you don't feel well you should really stay home from school. Going back in half an hour is definitely not good for you especially if you ARE sick and don't want to go. Anyway I hoe this helped you cope with yourself a little bit. The same thing I said goes for panic attacks. But another thing my therapist told me was if you feel that you are having a panic attack. Name one thing you taste. One thing you smell. One thing you hear. One thing you remember that is funny. And one thing that you can feel. And one thing that you can see. And while you are doing all of that take deep breathes in and out the whole time.

I hope this helps you clara!!

Luv ya as a friend!!

by (56.8k points)
Yes! Same! I can NOT eat at events.
by (515k points)
0 votes
by (68.7k points)


WHAT I SAY WHEN I DONT FEEL GOOD IS THE FEAR IS REAL THE DANGER IS NOT. Meaning the fear of puking is real, but the danger isn't real.

by (56.8k points)

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