+1 vote
in Religion / Philosophy by (85.8k points)

So, I was reading @Minecraftnerd´s post called I am between christian and agnostic and I got some questions.

What makes someone a Christian? DO they just have to say like "I believe in god and want to go to heaven and will not sin", or something like that, or do they have to do anything else? Can christians reject people from their church if they don't think they're 'christian enough', or 'not actually christian'? Do all christians not believe in evolution? 


I am in between christian and agnostic

by (15.9k points)

in fact even tho you believe in God DOES NOT make you a christian

so yea its ok

6 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Well, to be Christian, you need to truly believe God is there within you, guiding you throughout life. You need to go to church every Sunday, because it is a holy day. Sadly, Christians can reject people from the church. I am Catholic, so if you have any separate questions regarding my faith, just ask!! I am here to help!hai 

0 votes
by (710 points)
A Christian church can not deny you from coming into the church. And you have to do more then just say you believe in God. You have to show him you care about the Holy spirt. Pray not only when you want something but doing it on a regular. You have to read the bible go to church, be active in the church. If you just say you believe and pray for things you want and not go to church its going to be bad.
0 votes
by (108k points)
The first step to becoming a Christian is to first realize that you have sin in your life and you want to change. Second, you need to pray and ask God to forgive you and ask him for his holy spirit to live within you (a lot of people forget about this step) and then he will give his holy spirit to you to help guide you. After that, just read your bible and do your best to serve others and help them when they need help. A big part of being a Christian is about love for others and viewing others as more important than yourself.
0 votes
by (56.8k points)
So…a Christian is someone who REALLY believes in GOD our FATHER and loves him. (Short answer)
0 votes
As a Christian you are connected to God because as a Christian you except God as YOUR God. As a Christian you are asked to speak about God and as a Christian you will deeply want to because to become one in Christ is THE most awesome thing that will happen to you. God lifts burdens, he gives grace and he loves unconditionally. In other words God is amazing and wonderful.
0 votes
by (202k points)
Good Questions!

Im a christen and I believe In god and jesus. You are supposed do not sin but sometimes you do and you are supposed to ask Jesus to forgive you.

Whats sad is some christens reject people from there church if they are not christen enough

NOT ALL JUST SOME my church does not do that

No christens believe god created the world

Tell me if you have more quesitons
So glad you share faith too, Anna!!!! I love answering questions lol

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