+2 votes
in Girls' Advice Column by (2.7k points)
So for those of y'all that remember WAY back when I had a crush named Green Bean? Yeah I moved on this year. I might be falling for my guy best friend now and maybe he likes me too?

Ok ok ok... Let's back up to the beginning of the year...

So. I have been in the same homeroom with the same guy every year of middle school. His name will be... Trail Mix (just wait... it'll make sense soon). Ok so Trail Mix and I were kinda close the past 2 years but this year we have been very VERY close.

Since the beginning of the year, he has been around me more and hung out with me. Soon enough, he is kinda flirting with me, but I don't notice at first. Then, out of fun, I do it back. Now this has gotten more aggressive to the point that multiple people thru the year have asked if we were dating.

Ok and we both get defensive and like "Nah they're just a friend." But tbh... I think we both disagree.

I give him trail mix almost everyday at lunch (get it now? lol) and sometimes he will give me some of his breadstick or fruit roll up. We share food and all that fun stuff.

He also will take my hat and wear it around (on hat days lol) and won't give it back. Instead he makes me try to jump for it as he holds it up. Trail Mix also has this goofy hat her wears and I got him to wear it once with a white shirt and I brought red heart sunglasses and turned him into Taylor Swift from 22 XD. Ok and for the rest of the day, I wore his hat.

The ENTIRE grade ships us SOOOOOO HARD. It's a love-hate relationship with that cuz it feels like it's meant to be if others see it but also it adds some pressure. Lately, it's been even more than ever since the last dance of middle school is coming up on THIS FIRDAY!!

Ok sooooo there is a HUGE possiblity that he asks me and ofc I'll say yes. I say this cuz my friend *jokingly* told him one day "You should ask Bayleigh to the dance!" And u know wut he said?! "Yeah, I know."


So yeah it is a possibility but it's over half way thru the week and nothing from him. Just everyone saying that he needs to ask me and that he has 2 more days to do it. Low-key I feel kinda bad cuz that's soooo much pressure on him. But also I am sooooo stressed and waiting if he does ask me.

Today, I literally BEGGED my parents to take me to the soccer game today. He plays and he's really good, but I hate soccer soooo.... He saw me, waved, and smiled. I had LITERAL BUTTERFLIES!!!

Trail Mix drives me crazy but I can't help but smile when he treats me like we're dating. So... any advice? Anything? I just really wanted to vent this to everyone here and just wanna talk abt it tbh. Ok ily as always!

~Bayleigh <3

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (159k points)
Okay, I got some advice.

Y’all are already super close and I already ship you, so this won’t require a dating plan.

Just ask him out, there’s a 99.9% chance he says yes, and then just go on dates.
by (2.7k points)
Lol I hope it right. There is a slight chance we will go to the dance tmrw so I hope we can get together after that!!
0 votes
Ok. I think you should just ask him to be your boyfriend. I mean if you both return the feelings of LoVe then just ask him already! If you don't he will not be single anymore! SO ASK HIM TO BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you know he likes you are 100% sure he does then ask him!
by (2.7k points)
Yeahh ur prob right. I've never had a bf tho and I'm sure we'll be together if we go to the dance. If he doesn't ask me tmrw, I mightt
0 votes
by (514k points)
Girl. He totally likes you. Maybe ask him out for something. If he waved and smiled at you maybe he likes you?? Sorry I'm not very good with this stuff but I also just wanted to say tysm for being my friend and ur awesome and ty for supporting me on all of my sad posts and stuff!!


by (2.7k points)
Ahhhh ok ok if he doesn't ask me to the dance tmrw... I might... Also I'm so glad we're friends too and am so happy I can make u feel better <3


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