+2 votes
in Debate by
Makes sense.......

Until questioned.

9 Answers

0 votes
by (154k points)

Okay but also Religion makes sense until questioned too you just have to poke in the right areas to see it 

This goes both ways skull

by (527k points)
by (88.0k points)
Not really, ask and I'll answer.
Not going to answer?
0 votes
by (216k points)
I don't think so! I'm atheliest, so I believe in science, not gods.

I believe in the big bang theory, evoloution, and that sort of stuff
by (37.5k points)
Same, like sure I read a lot of mythology stuff and things like that but I don’t actually believe in it
by (216k points)
Samesies :D
Well explain atheism, the big bang did not come from nothing.
0 votes
by (33.6k points)

People, people. Come closer. No, a little closer.



Arguments about who's up in the sky are pointless. Do you think nothing will happen? Kool. If you think there's heaven and well, "underworld?" then that's what you think. Stop shunning people for their religion. Btw everybody? Yes, I do have a religion. I am Christian. And if you don't agree with my religion, I don't care! If you believe in something else, you do that. I will respect you because that is the bare minimum for society and some people don't understand that. Stop being mad when you ask, "What's your religion?" and they don't say "the right answer." More specifically. What YOU want to hear. But anyway, this is a heated topic.


I shall say no more.

No, seriously. I shall say no more.

by (154k points)

I was also technically baptized as a baby. I think I’m registered in both the Mormon and Catholic Church now too 

I also still to this day get letters from the old church I went to wishing me happy birthday skull

by (88.0k points)

Bro dogskull

I'm sorry, i acpected you to know something about catholic religion. In history catholics have murdered thousands maybe millions in the name of Christianity. Jesus himself said do not kill love your enemy. I myself have ancestors that where tortured by the catholic church. Catholic are the ones that in history tried to force there believes on other people. The Bible says do not force your beliefs on others people. Christians believe in the Bible and God these people did not. Some are even confused about who is really God. They sometimes worship Mary and sometimes Jesus.
by (88.0k points)
Okay so you have only been told one side of the story some Catholics may have killed many people. But do you know that they are still being persecuted to this day her is a small list of countries who persecute Christians and by the fact that Catholics are Christians they are also persecuted.

North Korea.







by (154k points)
That doesn’t mean they aren’t under the Christian branch. Every branch differs so of course they’re gonna kill off people without the same exact views even if they come from the same branch as all religions do.

I’m not siding with it though as a good thing that’s terrible
that is what im trying ti tell you, christains do not kill. the definition of christain is in the bible and catolic does not match it.
by (154k points)
Catholic a long time ago with certain people didn’t match it. Now though they do. Because they aren’t killing Christians anymore.
by (88.0k points)
So nadyasl what church do you go to? In the name they usually say something like that alludes to it I don't need to know the name of the church but my church that I go to has congregational in the name. If it has Saint. ______ its usually Catholic
I don't know what we call our church but I do know our history and it has a lot to do with catholics chasing us and us trying to not get killed while spreading the word of God but I think we came from the Lutheran branch but made a few changes that are a preached in the Bible. We come a long way from that though.
by (88.0k points)
Oh yeah that tracks this whole conversation makes so much more sense
0 votes
by (117k points)
I’m an atheist

Question me and I will answer
And speaking of brain washedness, what do you think you sound to me. Do you really think I didn't make sure the things I believe are facts? The world can't fool me twice. I suggest you do the same. Before you believe it, research it until you are absolutely most positively sure it is the truth. Just a suggestion maybe.
sorry They keep hiding my answers!!!! ahh its frusterating.
by (527k points)
Imma just let myself out because you sound like one of those extreme conspiracy theorists right now and are starting to scare me.
by (88.0k points)

by (117k points)
Agreed nobi lol
What ever you say
Copy cats. You only say that because noob says that and he in tern has nothing to say. Also is your vocabulary wrong, do you know what conspiracy theorist means.
by (527k points)

Bro still going on skull

No that's YOU going on those WERE my final words.
by (527k points)

Whatever you say, dude victory

0 votes
by (527k points)
0 votes
Yeah, so true. I bet none of the atheists will answer. Ha
by (527k points)
Very cool.
That's not an answer
by (527k points)
I know.

It's a statement.
by (527k points)
If you want to call it that, sure.
Is your profile talking about yourself?
by (527k points)
It is a mix of the things I like. It was made by my close friend Joel.
0 votes
by (203k points)
0 votes
by (112k points)

I'm atheist
Explain your theories
by (112k points)
ok, I will.

do u really think theres an old dude living in the sky who created the universe?


because he could have picked anywhere to live, and he picked here.

specifically over America.

America sucks.

If he wants to live in the sky somewhere, he should have chosen Tokyo or smthg.
What? I could not wrap my mind around that, who are you talking about?
by (112k points)
who else do u think?

God, obvi.
by (6.2k points)
Hey god dosent nesisarly live in the clouds

 exactly do you men. God does in no way live in America or in the clouds. You know what if you don't know what you are talking about don't talk at all.
by (6.2k points)
Wait me or adi
0 votes
by (160k points)
I could come up with a million more things to add to this, but people can get so heated over this topic.

So all I will say is,

Atheism relies on circular reasoning.

I will not say anything else.
by (117k points)
Can you rxplsin how?
by (160k points)
Athiesm relies on one factor to support another, that factor supporting another, and that factor supports the first factor.

It’s like a circle.

I don’t wanna argue with you, I wanna respond.
by (117k points)
Sorry gc I haven’t been on kt since I wrote that comment, but can you explain to me how it relies on circular reasoning?
by (160k points)

This will turn into an argument, but I will respond since you said so.

I don’t have the time to make a full-on paragraph about this, so I will use a diagram about the circular reasoning of why God doesn’t exist.

I’m sorry if I offend you, I just wanted to respond.

by (117k points)
I see what you mean, but it’s much more complicated than just that graph. But wht evidence is there that he exists? There’s none. He doesn’t.
There is actually a lot of evidence, you are literally blind to that fact.
by (117k points)
Can you give me examples of this evidence you claim exists, please?
by (160k points)
Come on, I literally just wanted to respond to you and you’re turning it into an argument

I told you I wanted to keep it short so we wouldn’t cause drama
Well for a start there is literally no other explanation of how ​​​​​​​w​​​​​​​e came to be, the way we are somehow in the perfect place near to the sun if we were any closer it would be to hot if we would be any farther we would freeze, the perfect way humans and animals are made take all of that and call it coincidence, ha lol. Shall I continue.

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