+14 votes
in Personal by (110k points)
yesterday i had a dream about my "crush" (i don't like saying that) where we were a bit younger, so like maybe back in 5th grade, and we were at a big gathering (why we knew the bratayley family and were at their house, idk...I DONT EVEN WATCH BRATAYLEY. but in my dream i thought it was perfectly normal to know them for some reason?!!¿!!!¡?) and he was playing games on an iPad near the door with some of his friends i think, and i was in and out of that room because i think it was the kitchen. so there was a table of adults who kept talking about him and how "cute" he was whenever i would walk by or be around them. it was really cringey and really bad.



next dream.....:

this was last night and a little more recent so it seemed to take place this year. so my friend used to like the same guy as me, and it kinda felt like we were competing for his affection. a very awful feeling. because when she would have a sort of moment with him, then i would. and i think that i was the last one before him and his little sister left, and since he's a boy and also my crush, i can hug his little sister and everyone else but not him for some reason. so instead we shook hands. WHAT THE FREAK IS THAT. *also my friend doesn't like him anymore, but they both came over recently and she kinda seemed to still like him, though she's my best friend and would tell me if she did*

*also i've had many dreams about him...over 10 now; i've lost count. and for my very short-lived other crush that didn't last 2 years, only like half a year, i only had 2 dreams about. but i've liked my current one for like 2 years now so i've had way more dreams about him. a lot of them just him being there that day or whatever. or him having a little girlfriend in freaking kindergarten and me being jelly about it or something ridiculous like that xD. i need help *

5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

I have crazy dreams too. Here are mine:

​Being an ANGEL!!!???

​So, in my dream I was in "World War II" when I suddenly died. And just like that I was an angel with wings. I also had permission to go to planet earth to see my family. CRAZY RIGHT??

​People Kidnapping My Grandmother

​So it started out in 2nd grade, when I was at my old school and this guy started stealing my GRANDMOTHER WHO APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE in the cafeteria. When he puts the bag down, I tip-toed my way to the bag that my grandmother was in. And then, everybody started hitting me with BALLOONS!!!!!!!!!

Sorry if I couldn't tell you my other dreams. They are a whole lot LONGER!!!!!!!!!

+1 vote
by (27.7k points)
Last night I had a dream about my crush too!! But I don't really want to talk about it was kinda weird but magical too me because I love him but I barley know him. I don't know if that counts as a crush and he's way older then me so I wouldn't say it's a real crush.
+1 vote
by (350k points)
I don't know how to answer. I've never had dreams about my crush (OK, maybe one, but it's one of those 'puberty' dreams... haunts me. Cannot look my crush in the face now.). Maybe leave him a note? Write a poem? I did that. I scraped it. It was awful.
by (110k points)
NOOOOOOOOOO THATS HORRIBLE i don't do poetry or gushy stuff like that... i'm not very good at this...
by (350k points)
Same for me. LOl...
+1 vote
by (185k points)
Try to talk to your friend about it. Do you really, 100% sure, that your friend still likes him? Talking to family is okay, but I personally feel that you should spill these kind of feelings to your friend, because they get you, and will never make you feel bad. She may be able to help you with your feelings for him. Also, can I share this story in my Crush Talk? It seems really good.
by (110k points)
i guess so... i don't care if you do xD. and i think maybe i should talk to her about it but i don't wanna make her uncomfortable tho... she already said shen feel like he hates her since she's liked him and some of his friends so...
+1 vote
by (90.2k points)
You should tell him you like him.
by (110k points)
NO i can't because that is too weird

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