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in LGBTQIA Club by
Im 12 M, and theres this one boy who really stands out to me. Hes just one year younger than me, we get along well. Im not sure how to tell this to him. I really like him.
Hey, same person who left the comment. Wanna add some more context. The reason I left this question here is because I don't know how to aproach this. Im really struggling on figuring out what to do. So I figured that I could confess what I feel. Prob not the best choice, but its better than having the pain of suppressing your feelings. Anyways, I don't even know if hes into boys. And the only form of contact we have is pretty much just video games lol. We see eachother during school, though we don't have that much time to talk. The after school program we were in ended a while back. I don't really know what to do or tell him.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Tough. Maybe try these things.

1. touch/hold his hand and see how he reacts

2. Schedule a hang out, and hold his hand at the end

3. Lie and say, a dude in my class just told me he likes me, what would you do if a guy confessed to you?

4. Drop it likes it's no big deal, act all chill and stuff (even though you most likely won't be) so if worst comes to worst he ends up reacting badly, you can still be friends

Also, if this doesn't end well, remember, you sound like an amazing boy and I'm sure you will find the right guy for you. I'm not sure about my sexuality  (12 F), but I have a crush on this amazing girl, but I'm not out, so I can't tell her, *cry*, but I think that you will slayfully do this.

*hugs* GOOD LUCK
by (210 points)

Thank you for your help and support T_T Good luck to you too!

0 votes
by (155k points)

Ooh! If I were you first I’d figure out his sexuality. If you want to try to not say it straight up say something like “Who’s your celebrity crush” and figure out that crushes gender. Maybe ask how he feels about lgbtq. Or just ask him. Or tell him your sexuality. All those ways might help you calculate your chances!!

I probably would avoid telling him over a video game unless that’s the only thing you can do. Get closer to him, maybe try to meet up with him in person sometimes? The best way to tell him would probably be next to him. 

As long as he likes guys you’ll definitely have a chance. Just get closer to him in general and figure his sexuality out. 

I’m rooting for you!! If you need further help just ask. Also my good old friend JOEL (get your butt over here my dude /j) would probably be very helpful on this because they’ve had so many boyfriends. Although I can’t say for them that they completely know I just know they tend to know what they’re doing with this T_T


Okay! I'm just a little shy abt asking him to meet up. I'll try to figure out his sexuality gradually. Now that I think abt it, he tried asking me abt my sexuality before and I missed my chance T_T. Thanks for the answering lol.

by (155k points)
Ooh! Maybe he’s interested lol

Your welcome :)


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