+2 votes
in Adi's Rants by (111k points)

I honestly don't feel right in my body.

Not therian-wise, if that's what you're thinking (that's another story for another time).

I don't feel right in my style.

I mostly wear a mix between preppy and comfy, which I liked up until now.

I've been wanting to completely change my wardrobe recently to a sort of alt grunge type of style, and I HATE my clothes.

I've been wearing my darkest colors, but I still hate my PINK duffel bag, PINK and PASTEL backpack, PINK room, and everything in between.

I know people are going to think I'm over exaggerating, but here's some more information:

I asked a few of my friends if they think I would look good in grunge.

2/3 said YAS.

1 said no no no no no no.

Because she's used to my style THAT I HATE. And she doesn't want that to change.

So, advice?

6 Answers

0 votes
by (210k points)
:,] My Adi's growing up-- /j

But yeah, if you don't like that sort of stuff anymore, I mean, who can tell you what to like? Dress how YOU want as long as your parents approve of how you dress!

0 votes
by (524k points)

You're going to get your emo phase.
0 votes
by (33.3k points)
If you aren’t comfortable in your old style you should definitely be allowed to change it!
0 votes
by (85.8k points)
Yes!! Change your wardrobe if you want!! Most of your friends said yes, and it doesn't matter what they said anyway. It's your room, your clothes, your style! And you will look great in alt-grunge even though I don't know what you look like! :D
0 votes
by (154k points)
If you like the style change your style to it

There’s not much to it
0 votes
by (297k points)
well, do what feels right.

look at specific styles to get an idea.

dont let people tell you how to look act or dress.

your style is supposed to show who you are as a person.

do what feels perfect for you, no matter what people say.

though, dont make huge changes quickly.

if you go from more of a preppy style, to complete alt-y emo, people are gonna say stuff.

start by toning down the colors slowly. then try make-up, then if you're comfortable, start incorperating blacks and chains into your outfit, with still a little bit of color, then you will look like your figuring out your style, and not just going through a "phase"

hope i helped!! <3


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