+1 vote
in Other by (131k points)
I regret this so much.

Everyone is gonna bully me for this.

Ik it.

Here goes....

After only one day of dating Michael, I broke up with him yesterday.

I regret it sm, but at the time I did it, I js felt like I didn't want to date him

Now im crying and wishing I hadn't done it.

I feel like such a fool.

Should I get back with him????


Pls no hate

6 Answers

0 votes
by (264k points)

Anyways, I'm not sure why'd you receive hate over this- things happen! :)

But in my opinion- DO NOT get back together with him!

Listen, I'm not entirely sure how old you are, but you seem a little young to be on the dating scene- which there is nothing wrong with at all! But you said yourself that you just 'didn't feel like dating him,' which tells me that you're probably not ready for a relationship yet. You also cannot feel 'Idk' or wishy-washy about a dating relationship like that- it's either YES, you want to date him and be by him even on days you don't feel the most attracted to him, or NOT AT ALL. How would you feel if your significant other dumped you after wanting to be with you and then suddenly wanted to get back together again? I wouldn't put a lot of trust or faith in that person.

Anyways, that's just my opinion! If you feel you should go back to him, go for it!

I look forward to seeing what comes from all this- good luck! I know you'll make the right choice :)
0 votes
by (33.3k points)
Something I have learned, If you break up with someone bc you didn't want to date them you do not get back with them. I understand the feeling and just know I'm here if you need to talk at all.  You are not a fool for doing it. Don't regret it, regrets will drag you down in life. Keep your head up and look forward to the new adventures.
0 votes
by (958k points)
If you don’t want to date him, don’t get back together. A good relationship only works when both people want to date each other, and if you get back together, you’re probably gonna regret it.

At least you’re not me though…
0 votes
by (114k points)

Not to be mean but I literally wrote a huge paragraph about how this was gonna happen so that you wouldn't be that sad.

by (131k points)
by (114k points)
In ur first post about not being a single finkle I made a paragraph saying I was happy but that this was gonna happen to u in the near future.
0 votes
by (21.8k points)
You should tell him you regret it
0 votes
by (526k points)
You should message him and lie and say like, my mom says I can't date I'm so sorry. I talked with her last night and she told me I could date you.

I'm really sorry.

Something like that I'd good??

P.S. I dont hate u.

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