+2 votes
in Other by (27.3k points)
I am about to start middle school and I want to get a wolf themed backpack but well I'm afraid people will make fun of me and stuff so what should I do

5 Answers

0 votes
by (106k points)
Best answer
U should be fine. It doesn't matter if others make fun of you because literally everyone gets made fun of and you aren't defined by how many times bullies make fun of you. Just buy a wolf themed backpack and ittle be fine (I will say that once you get into highschool it might be a bit weird and childish to the other kids so I would not recommend doing that when u get to highschool).
by (27.3k points)
My friend says I should get a black backpack and get wolf key chains
0 votes
Do what you want girlie!
I made a deal with myself years ago to never care what people think.
Now I just do my own thang, and I slay all day while doin it!
And you will slay as well; Don't let the haters win!
Be yourself and be wolftastic!
Or shall I say, Pawsome!
I'm also about to end Elementary and go to Junior high after Summer break, and I'm excited to finally be one of the "big kids" XD
You're gonna do eggcellent in middle school;

Stay Pawfect,

by (27.3k points)
TYSM FLXPPIE also I love ur puns there tottaly pawsome
0 votes
by (97.9k points)
Be yourself !!

Do it !!
0 votes
If you're that scared, don't! & if they DO make fun of you, ignore them. They're teasing isn't important.
0 votes
by (26.1k points)
Do what makes you happy. If people make fun of it, it's just because they are jealous and they can't be as cool as you. Trust me, I'm in high school and have been through middle school people are rude but just ignore them.
by (27.3k points)
Lol i am cool ig
by (26.1k points)

You are cool. smile-sunglasses

by (27.3k points)
by (26.1k points)
You're welcome.

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