+1 vote
in Personal by (85.9k points)

So I finally feel good enough to say this, but also, I really need some support because it has been worse for me lately. So I have this... thing. A bladder thing, I forget what its called but I think its genetic. Basically, it means I have to pee more often and it is more urgent. I also have less control over my bladder, so its easier for me to... yk... pee my pants more often than not  And while that may just seem like a bit of a nuisance, just a small, annoying thing, it also means that I pee the bed. Like, every night, which obviously means I'm getting half the amount of sleep that most people would, and I have more stress because I don't want to smell, but I usually do because I don't have enough time for a shower, and that makes me really insecure. I was going to a nice doctor who is giving me a prescription to help fix it. But we had to leave because we could never get an appointment. So now we are looking for a doctor which will probably take months to find a good doctor that is female. Female because I am a girl and the urologist occasionally has to do pelvic exams. I hate them so much it's where basically they prod and poke... down there . It's terrible. So I don't want a male doing that... and we finally found a good doctor that is female after like 1-2 months of looking. As it turns out SHE JUST LEFT THE PRACTICE!!! So now, we have to look for a good doctor, and then once we do it will take even longer to adjust prescription, increase and decrease dosage, and all that fun stuff. Also DID I MENTION?? Some of the pills are also for my bowels because my bowels are near my bladder and blah blah blah I don't really know. Anyway, so these pills make me DIARRHEA! At least for 1-2 weeks while I get used to a prescription. Also, all of these pills have side effects, so the ones I was taking with my old doctor made me weepy (I just cry more), depressed, it could even make me su!c!d@l, although luckily it didn't. And its been getting worse and worse recently. It's also been harder to keep up with my friends and be the bubbly, cheerful, high energy person they know and are friends with. I'm scared if I'm not they won't like me. I hope we can find a doctor soon. 

Peace victory

Phoenix out

5 Answers

0 votes
by (515k points)
Best answer
Jeez weez giro,

Thats terrible. I think my mom had something like that. Its were your bladder is weaker and stuff so you can't really control your muscles to hold pee in? I think I've heard of that. Yes I bet its super embarrassing and it sucks.

:( sorry friend.

I'm always here to talk!!


by (85.9k points)
Thank you! I think that sounds right and yeah it sucks :(
0 votes
Ooo I really just read alll that but

That kinda happend to me

But your not alone


0 votes
by (543k points)
U could get adult/teen diapers so you don't have to worry about wetting the bed.

I'm sorry if this offends u

Also maybe if you r worried about ur friends not liking u, u could just explain to them why you have changed

by (85.9k points)
Yeah... It doesn't offend me don't worry. Thank you
0 votes

If you friend leave you then they’re not your real friends.

 Try doing things you like. Like going on a walk or drawing. or what ever you like to do.

by (85.9k points)
Oh yeah

Thank you :)
0 votes
by (13.6k points)
I mean, all I can say is try your best and that God lets you wake up every morning for a reason.
by (85.9k points)
Thank you (although I am nonreligious)
by (13.6k points)
by (85.9k points)
It's ok though! I know what you were trying to say, so thank you <3

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