+14 votes
in Fanfiction by (415k points)

Silens I Chapter Two

I was already well packed for Hogwarts, dressed nicely in my rob. Tom, standing near mum tall simply stayed quiet, as I heard around the room. Sitting on soft surrounding, a rather dainty feeling occurred. "So, Lucas," mom continued, "how do you feel about being sorted tonight?" Mum asked. I wasn't to sure, but I knew Tom was. Even though I couldn't see his face, I felt like he was happy. He'd been waiting for this day to be sorted in Slytherin, after all, Slytherin is all he'd except.

Mum held my hand, leading me down the stairs. I stumbled, as always, but slowly continued on. I felt the tension of the wooden stairs clatter on my black shoes, as mum held my hand tight. The feeling of her warm hand gave me comfort. Finally, we were down the stairs; a problem I've had for years. "Now, here's breakfast," mum laid me down at the table, as I felt around for a fork. I heard Tom's eating sounds, as I began anxious to eat up. I took my fork, and dug it in. "Seems you've been rather quiet," mum said, as I stayed there, not continuing to eat. "I guess I'm ju-just happy to be sor-sorted," I said, as I heard mum chuckle, making the room seem warm. 

I heard mum leave to the kitchen, and the vibration of the house told me too. As a 11-year-old, I had no sudden thought of this event. This event. Where I would meet new kids, without my mum for that long. That worried me, I wasn't happy for it at all. Not like Tom at all, as I felt him vibrate the table from his happiness. This year, my goal was to practice writing. I've always wanted to read Tom's writing, and of course he would sing his songs to me. 

"Alright, are we all packed up?" Mum asked, as Tom responded, "Yes, mum!" I had a slow response, "Ye-yes." I have to admit, I was sort of excited of the event that would tie me to my fate.

It was finally time.

Mom pushed me out the door, as I swished out in the open air. We lived in a lovely place called Wiltshire, where father lives. I've never met him, although he seems so close. Of course, mum would never let me roam over there, not on my own no. And, Tom wouldn't bring me there either. Mom held my hand, as she slowly put me in the back seat of the old, rusty car. It was a lovely September, though mother barely let's me out on my own. She's much too overprotective. 

On the way, the window was widely open. Air swooshed my face, as it felt better than ever. First, we had to head off to Diagon Alley, so I could get my wand. We, me and Tom, were early by far. We had to have time to go to Diagon Alley and get our wands, possibly Droobles  Gum, after all, Tom couldn't stand a few hours without the sweet sensation of the taste. I held my luggage tightly in my sweaty hands, as we were there.

"Where here!" mum yelled. I could feel the presence. Mum slammed the car door, as a creaking sound came afterwards. "Now, let's get your wands," I felt her smile, although I wasn't certain. "Ok-okay," I smiled, too. Tom rushed out the car, as mum opened my car door, letting me out. "Thanks," I said, finally not stuttering my words. "No problem, sweety!" she said, as we walked in big crowds of people. I disliked big crowed. They were much too noisy. 

Finally, we made it to the wand shop. I didn't see the name, so mum didn't tell me either. Tom pushed me, rushing in as quick as he could. "Hello-" Tom was cut off by mum, responding to his actions, "Don't be rude!" I heard Tom sigh. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Although I couldn't see the man, I could tell he was old. "Just a wand for my two boys," mum said, as the man pulled Tom close to something, I couldn't tell. "Yes, yes, this wand is perfect for you!" he said, as Tom ran off to mum, collapsing in her arms. "Hmm, try this one!" The old man pulled me forth to a wand, and I held it firmly. "Hmm," said the man, as I felt something fly out of the wand. "Try this one," I took the wand once more, and it seemed to have the same reactions as Tom's did. "Perfect!" the old man yelled. "Thanks," mum said.

We headed out of the old shop, the afterwards buying some gum.

We drove off to the Hogwarts train station, in a muggle train station that didn't please Tom. "Where is it!?" Tom said, impatient. "Right here," mum pointed to a brick wall, as me Tom sighed. "Just walk," mum pushed him and me, as we fell through with mum. That was a weird experience.

"Here," she said. Mum laughed, but I just glanced off to the distance. I didn't know were I was looking, I was just looking. I a girl that sounded about my age say, "Whose that, Mum?" I wasn't certain who she was talking about, but I couldn't help from ease dropping. "Hermio-" That's all I heard from that direction before mum pushed me on the train.

With my brother, we both found an empty spot to sit. I said good bye to mum, and so did Tom. I heard some one come in with us. I heard her say, "Hi, can I come in?" I took some time to decipher it, but then responded, "S-sure," I stuttered, again. This was maybe the only chance I had to have friends. 

The train blew a whistle, and I heard other kids chattering. Nervous, I asked, "Who are you?"

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (165k points)
Best answer
Very good!(who was Tom again?)
by (415k points)
Tom is one of my OCs. Asia is Gem's HP OC, Tom and Lucas are my OCs. Glad you liked it! You might of also thought it was a canon because Tom is also a bad guy in Harry Potter. But this Tom is also a bad guy but when he was young he wasn't I guess....The point is their not the same wizards!
by (165k points)
idk harry potter. what is an oc?
by (415k points)
And oc is an original character you made in a book, series, movie ect ect. Like Tom is a character I made up in Harry Potter.
by (165k points)
by (415k points)
Like Astell is kind of like your oc
by (165k points)
Actually it is magpieponys
by (415k points)
Did she make up the character?
by (165k points)
by (415k points)
Cool! That's really cool. :-D
+1 vote
by (350k points)
Love it! You did a good job! I will write the next chapter sometime today! Like I said, love it Knight!!!
by (415k points)
Thanks Gem!
by (165k points)
please write more of Kyuusei!
by (350k points)
I will on Thursday or Friday, Luna!
by (415k points)
by (165k points)
by (350k points)
LOL... don't worry!
by (415k points)
lol, ya luna
+1 vote
by (137k points)
by (415k points)

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