+8 votes
in Debate by (9.2k points)

Now, I know everybody has their own take on the world, I believe that is perfectly fine. but when I see people say their religon is better than others, I just don't care. honestly sorry, but I don't. people can believe what they want, but they shouldn't try to say their beliefs are better than the person's next to them. because technically, they are all beliefs everyone is entitled to, and those beliefs can help them through hard times, I am not religous at all myself, but if I chose to believe in a religon that would be my choice, and my beliefs not someone else's to chose for me. Also I'm aware I have spelled religon and religous wrong this entire time, I just can't spell. and in the past, (Read pretty much ANY history book, it will tell you) about the past wars religon had started and then their was killing in the name of their god, how does "killing in the name of god" make any sense? It doesn't. it's not right to hurt other people (because people are still getting bullied today for their religon) because you think your beliefs are higher than their's. I don't think any religon is higher than someone else's. That is my personal opinion. It might not be the same for other people, but my opinions are what I believe, and I'm entitled to believe my opinion just like everybody else is entitled to choose their religon. I have stated my point, anyone is perfectly fine to agree to disagree on anything I have said, it's their opinion.

I believe that the Bible is true, but it's just so MEAN when people say that they are better just because they believe different things. I also think that it's wrong to try to force someone to believe something that they aren't willing to believe. So, yeah.

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (137k points)
I don't entirely agree with you, but your opinion is yours. About the war thing, many people started wars for various reasons. It was just about the enviorment and and time they lived in. Some people did it because they wanted to be free, some because they wanted land, others because they wanted to overthrow a ruler. Some historical figures were just truly evil people, and wether or not they had a God to blame it on the wars would've still continued to be fought. The amount of Christians/Jews/Buddists that I've met seem like fairly reasonable people, with truly good intentions. It says in the Bible to love and respect everyone, even if you dislike them or disagree with their choices. Of course, there's the occasional rude "christian/Jew/Buddists ect." that try to convert people, though I've mostly seen this from atheists. (I've had several bad encounters with atheists, saying really, and I mean REALLY rude things about religious people.) I'm not too religious myself, (though I consider myself Christian) I love reading and studying about the Bible and other religions. I do think you need a certain amount of knowledge on a topic before you debate about it, you can't just say you've read the Bible once or twice and now your suddenly an expert, you need to know what it means.


Sorry for my grammar, I'm typing this on my tablet and I don't have any autocorrect on. This is NOT meant to be rude or hateful at all, I simply wanted to give my perspective. I agree with your main point though, which is to live and let live, or in this case believe in what you wish to believe and let others believe in what they want to.
by (9.2k points)
Exactly, and as for the auto correct thing. I CAN RELATE
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on the war thing. While war does start for many reasons, historically, most of the wars in the world have religion as a reason. For example, The Crusades. Christians started the was against Muslims because the Muslims wanted to co-exist in Jerusalem with them because it is holy land to all three Abrahamic religions. Due to them wanting to share Jerusalem with the Christians, the Christians started a war that spanned 196 years, and they both lost. It's under Jewish control right now. The Crusades were split into categories, and one of them was the child crusades, where there were child soldiers (most of them died btw). Historically, religion has caused more trouble than good. I know that's controversial but it is true, from the manipulative nature of previous popes and sex and child trafficking that goes on behind the scenes, religion has done more harm than good. I have no problem with religious people, only with how many people take advantage of people in the name of religion and how easy it is for them to get away with it, even unnoticed.
by (9.2k points)
1. Thanks for the history lesson. 2. While I get what you're saying, religion has done nothing, harm nor good, it's rather what people do in the name of it, if I can correctly assume that is what you are talking about. The name of religion is used in wars and churches and such, as a reason for something. They fight in the name of their religion, rather than the religion harming, people are. If you were talking about religion itself, that would make me think about how someone on the verge of suicide might turn to a religion and it could help them and could do good. Or, someone who has grown up with one religion, taught to them by their parents, might choose another religion, dividing them and doing harm. It depends. Personally, for my fam, my grandma is Christian, my dad I have no clue, probably atheist, my mom is probably witchcraft, and I am a little atheist and a little Hellenist.
+1 vote
by (350k points)
Well, I am Christian and in the Bible it disagrees with all of this. I'm not saying I hate you, so don't take it the wrong way. I don't agree.

The Bible says to love everyone and for that reason we should try to get people to heaven, because who wants to see people they love in hell? I can't convert everyone, and you convert people who aren't open.

I may not agree, but at least I love you. ;) With God, your life is truly better.
by (80.4k points)
i am christain too but i don't  beleve other religion is better than each other the truth is going be realse when God comes  i not saying their the  same because thier not i think that we can believe what every we what because it our dission
by (9.2k points)
I figured not everyone would agree completely, i actually expected it, lol, i was sorta just saying there.
I am jewish, and I agree. You should never discriminate.
+1 vote
by (80.4k points)

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