+21 votes
in Religion / Philosophy by (8.3k points)

Yes, and this is why:

NOTE: look at the question is the afterlife scientifically or logically proven? first, or afterwards.

I would look at https://www.apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=13&article=524.

Just because you mentioned the Koran, I am going to tell you why you can't trust it.

1. Mohammed's teachings and visions were vocally recorded, meaning that Mohammed himself did not write down his dreams scripts, that he told others what was said, and ten they told others, and those others wrote them down in the Koran.

2. I could tell you the same thing: the Koran and the Srimad Bhagatam are just books. They are not the most reliable books, have you ever read the Bible?

3. This brings a popular debate over one simple question: How do we know that the Bible is true? There are many answers to that simple question: 1, We know the Bible is true because the Bible is God's Word, because God says his word is pure, because people witnessed the events of the Bible, and the Bible is historically correct.

It says in 2 Peter 1:16 that

For we[the people who wrote down the happenings of the Bible] did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty.

Meaning that, these authors who wrote the Bible saw Jesus, and they did not listen to cleverly written myths or stories for their proof to write this, but they saw with their own eyes the coming of Jesus. They know for sure that He came, because they saw Him.

It also says in 1 John 1:1

That which was from the beginning [Christ], ​which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and our hands have handled concerning the Word of life.

We, being the authors of the Bible, know what we have heard, seen, and touched, and we know that it is true. All this concerning Jesus, or the Word of life, we know for granted what it means and that it is true, because we have seen it.

Another verse, in Luke chapter 2 verse 1, decrees:


And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered.

​The Bible actually mentions Caesar Augustus, the 2nd emperor of Rome. Where it mentions it, is historically accurate, that archeological findings are exactly with this verse and history. That history books and the Bible are aligned.

2, we know that the Bible is true because God used at least 40 men to write the Bible, and yet it all fits together.

Tonight, I am going to write three sentences about anything, anything at all. I'd like you to do the same. You can write about butterflies, trucks, cells, Mohammed, anything.

Then, tomorrow, I'll post what I wrote, and you can post what you wrote. Then, I would put my sentences under yours, and we'll see if the fit together, and make sense.

They won't, unless you are spying on me.

Now think about it, the Bible was written over 1500 years, with at least 40 men authoring it. Most of these men have no interaction with each other, but yet, the Bible all makes sense. How can that be? Only if all 40 of these men were inspired by one supernatural God, telling them what they need to write.

In 2 Timothy 3:16, it says

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.

All scripture is inspired by one God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit inspired the hearts of these 40 men to write what they did, thus making it possible for 40 different men living is many different time periods to write about things in a readable, understandable text.

How could they without a supernatural God inspiring them?

Also, we know the Bible is true because events that were prophesied really happened. Jesus of the New Testament fulfilled hundreds of Old Testament prophesies, and the Bible predicted so many other secular things. Here is a list of the events predicted:


And last but not least, the Bible is true because it changes peoples lives.

Look at this passage from Acts 16:29-31:


Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas.


And he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"


So they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household."

If you would like to read the rest of this passage, here is a link to do so:


That is exciting to think about for the Christians out there, and even for some non-believers.

Is that what you call historically accurate, exceptionally supernatural, biblical, life-changing, prophesy-fulfilling, record-breaking nonsense? Because it doesn't sound like nonsense to me.

If you didn't read this entire thing, I highly suggest that you do, as it is very interesting even for the common atheist or Muslim, or non-believer in general.

16 Answers

0 votes

 no, at least I don't think so

And I don't believe Adam and Eve were the first humans 

Here is my reasons:

  1. It would make everyone in the world related and I don't believe that
  2. Humans evolved from primates, that is the reason why we are mammals
  3. and there is no real evidence for it

I also believe that Mary was a Schizophrenic or a cheater here are my reasons

  1. Mary was a virgin
  2. How did she get the baby I mean you have to have a  reproduction organ or something
  3. Joseph knew the baby wasn't his, and I'm pretty sure he freaked out

I'm going to get attacked by, Christians aren't i?

by (527k points)
Yeah, you will x3
Yeah I'm not religious but I support Christians,

But I don't believe in god myself

I believe in science
0 votes
by (131k points)
I believe it is.
0 votes
by (527k points)
I agree with Sloth.

In some ways, yes.
0 votes
by (117k points)
0 votes
by (203k points)
0 votes
by (154k points)
Some is the bible is true in ways, other parts are not. Like ancient mythology is.
by (203k points)
It is all true
by (217k points)
Are you religious?
by (154k points)
The Adam and Eve story isn’t true. We evolved.
by (217k points)
I can sense a debate being born
by (154k points)
What way do you sense it? Which of the 6 senses?
by (203k points)
Lets not debate. Yes Im a christren
by (217k points)
@psycho I smell a debate
by (154k points)
Very good sense of smell but I ain’t gonna deh-bah-tey
0 votes
by (546k points)
I like looking at old posts.

Anyway, what elo said. And I kinda believe in the afterlife. I believe in heaven but not the other one. Even though I Know neither are real

It is just good to believe in stuff.
There is a heaven and a he'll, which one you go to is your decision
by (154k points)

There is a heaven and a hell according to you

+2 votes
by (957k points)
The Bible seems really long…

I am not religious I’m actually glad about that bc I can relax on sundays I don’t have to read the very long bible I can be scientific without offense
,but the Bible is awesome! It has tons of stories even if you don't believe in Jesus . The stories are awesome! And exciting. Stories about a Queen who saved her people, A young boy who fought a Giant, etc. There are tons of kids bibles that aren't so long too!
+3 votes
by (25.9k points)
I am all Christian and I believe the Bible and God talked to Moses and Aaron out in the wilderness but because Moses didn't obey he couldn't go to the promise land the floweth with milk and honey (that is just a saying the people of isreal said) Aaron couldn't either but Joshua lead them into the promise land with the people but God still spoke to Moses and God put plagues and separated the Red Sea and lots more amazing stuff
+3 votes
If you look at the world today, isn't it obvious? Joel 2:28-31 says,"“And afterward,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.Your sons and daughters will prophesy,    your old men will dream dreams,    your young men will see visions.Even on my servants, both men and women,  I will pour out my Spirit in those days.I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord."

All the prophecies in the Bible have or will come true! It's terrifying! Although,who would want to hang out on earth during the Tribulation! I wouldn't.

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