+4 votes
in Debate by
As 99.9% of KT/KN/KS know, I personally don't believe in god. I believe that there is someone higher than people, but I wouldn't say god. And if god exists, I'll say that for a moment here, which god? There is different proof for different god's existing and different religeons all saying that their god exists only and everyone else is basically wrong. And science says no gods are real, but not overly many people believe that. Feel free to debate this topic.


God is as real as you.
by (165k points)
Excuse me Derbylover, but I would appreiciate you not going "YOU ARE SO WRONG" for me politely stating my opinion on the topic. I never said anything like "God isn't real" or "Anyone who believes in God is wrong" now did I? I simply said "I personally don't believe in God" and then stated some other opinions on it, I never tried to say that you were wrong for believing in God, so I would like for you to refrain from saying i am wrong for not believing in God, okay? I completely understand people having a different opinion on God than me, I don't expect everyone to agree with me, I left this question open for people to discuss the topic of religion and say their opinions on it without telling other people they are wrong for what they believe. If that happens more, I will get the question shut down. So respectfully derbylover, please don't say "YOU ARE SO WRONG" to this post, instead, write why you think God exists.

7 Answers

0 votes
In the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess that he is God and there is no other.
0 votes
by (538k points)
I agree with u
+1 vote
Okay, well, first off, I'm not religious. I believe in God and did go to church, I don't right now and I struggle with that. I have issues you could say, lots of them. I mean, I am blessed to have what I have but most times I question. The Bible feels like a children's story to me and I dislike myself for that, I know he's real, I just- it's hard to explain what my view on him is. I believe that my problems are because I've forgotten about God, but I fear him more than anything else in the World. But yeah, believe what you want to I guess.
Seek God and you shall find him knok and the door will be opened to you.
0 votes
by (350k points)
I'm not a theologist, but here we go.

Okay, so, it's God, not god. But anyway, God is real, you're just not looking for Him.

So, which God? Well, lots of religions don't have a different God. Being a Christian, I know that the Jews and the Christian's God is the same, only the Jews don't think Jesus died for their sins. Also, lots of religions have taken our God and bent Him to their will or their culture. Some have made up different gods, TONS of religions all have that one "myth" of a universal flood... which isn't a myth and is just them knowing the flood happened, yet twisting it from the truth.

Science says God is not real because science is flawed and does NOT know everything. Also, science HAS proven Jesus existed. Science has proven a flood happened (Grand Canyon ?! How the HECK would it have been eroded if the world is thousands of years old? The flood..). . Science has proven lots of things, things that can't be explained by Darwinism or any type of human thinking: humans are flawed so our view of the world is flawed. However, God is perfect and eternal and good, and He knows all.

Yet, this brings me to the ever popular question those who don't believe in God have: "if He's so great and perfect, why is there bad things? Why is the world a bad place? Wouldn't God want us to have a great and sinless life if He is so loving and good?" The simple, short, one-word answer: sin. When Eve ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden against God's will, she disobeyed God and became sinful. Because of this, God cannot let Himself be with us due to the fact we sin, and He is perfect and cannot be spoiled by us. (He can't be spoiled anyway, I'm just saying that). Anyway, we sin, pure and simple. Those who think they're perfect are wrong. Humans are bad and good, but sin is present in all of us.

Jesus Christ died on the Cross for us to rid us of our sin. He is the ultimate show of God's love for us. Why would God send Jesus for us if we are sinful? Because He loves us. You may not notice it, you may not look for it, you may not WANT to believe it, but it's true. God loves us as His children and His creation, even more than anything else He has ever created.

So, with that out of the way, time for this question: "So, we know God is real, yeah. But what about other religions? How do you explain that?"  Since forever, people have still refused God for reasons I can't really fathom, but I guess cuz they are ashamed of their sin. But everyone is aware of some type of God or being, and some people have taken this awareness and turned it into false religions. In many religions, God is the one true God, only twisted. In some religions, they are completely different.

"Okay, then, Jesus is real. okay. But what is His importance?" He is NOT  a prophet, but the one way to Heaven and God. Without Him, we will die. You cant call yourself a true Christian without accepting Christ.  God is real, and personally, without Him, I wouldn't be able to get through some of my life. Without God and knowing there is a beautiful place to go to after death, I feel motivated to live my life and power through. Many of you will read this and laugh, bur it's true, God is my motivation. Personally, coulda written a lot more but yeah.
by (165k points)
You made a very good point in your answer Gem (a bit long XD but i read it all), and I don't have overly much to say, but I liked reading this, and I didn't laugh.
by (350k points)
Thank you. ;3 I really appreciate it.
Thanks for writing all this it's beautiful
+2 votes
Excuse me, but I simply don't believe in God and wanted to leave this topic of religion for debate, I don't appriecate people saying "YOU ARE SO WRONG" when I am simply stating my opinion on the topic, you might disagree with it and say how you see it different, but i would rather not have people saying I am wrong. Me choosing not to believe in any religion is my choice as choosing to believe in god may be yours. So respectfully, please don't comment saying "YOU ARE SO WRONG", please and thank you.
by (1.34m points)
People will be mean to you when you post a debate about this topic.
+1 vote
God is real I can tell you this. Research more on being Catholic
i agree God is SO real!!
by (165k points)
Maybe you could show a bit of why you personally believe in God?
+1 vote
by (61.9k points)


Hey there!

You just asked a very good question. Is god real? I am Muslim, so I will say what I think.

Muslims believe in the same god as Christians. That is true, we just call HIM Allah. He created everything. Example:


*your brain





We also believe that there is a day where you will be judged. It is known as Yawm Al-Qiyamah (the Day of Judgement). Yes, you will go to Heaven or...yeah,you get my point.


There is only 1 God, and believing in more is just wrong. Believing in more then 1 Allah is called Shirk. There is not a type of God. God is just God. So when someone says HIS name, you know they are talking about HIM.


Jesus is NOT God’s son. Christians, you, probably just gasped when they read this. Some kids were begging me to tell them what I believe as a Muslim, and when I told them that, they gasped and freaked out. It was rude. Only Allah is the controller, and you can’t pray to Jesus. He is a wonderful prophet, but he is not God.

FriendsRule posted one day:

I know some of you don't believe and you believe, and you believe in the big bang. But let me tell you the Lord is real. How else could we have gotten on this earth? There is just no other possible wasy without God. So I hope there are more yes! Than maybe or no or even I don't know. Anyway please say yes I know that a lot of people in the world that don't believe and not as many who do. So I just hope I can help with that.

This is my religion, and what I believe I should debate. Feel free to tell me your disagreements,



Check out this web for more proof: https://www.kidzsearch.com/questions/17008/god-vs-science

by (165k points)
Thank you for respectfully writing your opinion on the topic Mango!
by (61.9k points)
Your welcome! Glad you weren’t offended... I was really worried.
Excuse me, but why is'nt jesus god's son. he performed miracles and said so. if he was'nt he would be lying and lying is a sin. if he would do miracles and sin while doing it, Why would your allah still let him?

please know that i mean no offence.
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father(God) but trough me. God the son and the Holly spirit are one.

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