+6 votes
in Other by

     I like to think of myself as a good person, but some people don't like me. I am always so nice to them, always bringing them fun stuff, but they never appreaceaste ( sorry its speled wrong) it. I will buy them birthday gifts and christmas gifts, but they never are nice to me. I always try to be nice around them, but they never want to hangout with me. They act all nice ,but then they turn on me. They all hang around eachother, but me. I've tryed, believe me I've tried, but nothing I do changes anything. I go home wondering about what I should do next to get them to like me more, I don't have many friends and I know I shouldn't get hung up on these couple people, but what will I do. Everyone at school thinks I'm wierd, and trust me I am, but I just don't know what I should do.


Can anyone help?

3 Answers

0 votes
UHm great statement..!
+1 vote
You seem like a really nice person, if someone didn't like me (most people lol) then I would be like "Eh, (bleep) it" and wouldn't care about them. But you can't please everyone, I've found this out the hard way, but you can't, as much as you try there will always be someone who doesn't like you, it's true, but the only person you need to make sure is happy, is you. If you can find a way to be happy and make others happy, great! But there is no guarantee everyone will like you. I've tried pleasing everyone, and being nice to everyone even though they were mean to me, and it never worked, when they still didn't like me it made me feel like something was wrong with me, which led to me being in a stuck place with my emotions, but now I only worry about making myself happier.
+1 vote
by (61.9k points)

Dear Nora,

I am predicting that you fear that you are not socially included. Not to worry, I felt this way before. Try talking and meeting new people to get them to like you more! Social interaction is the best way to make connections. Sorry if this was just short and sweet, but I am in a rush. Hope this helped,


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