+10 votes
in Non-Fiction by (415k points)
Inside the walls of her castle, lays a girl. A young girl, she has a face, she has no eyes, she has a nose. She lays in her bed, her empty holes facing the ceiling of the castle. But see, that is not possible. There is no up. There is nothing. Outside of this castle, it seems to be rather small on the outside. Not really anything. Just something. But see, in that castle is nothing but a bed. Sometimes, in that castle, it's grey, not white. There is a small door outside of that castle, but she is so plump she can not falls to the door. Though, on the outside, the castle is rather skinny. 

"So perfect, a queen must live inside."

Don't judge a castle by its cover, horrid things may live inside. Right by the bed that held the weight of the girl was a glass window. "So easy to break." She said to herself most times. She watched the children and people outside. Free while she is locked up.

Wait? Doesn't she have no eyes? How can she see the children below? 

Oh, but there you are wrong. She sees what is in her head. None of it is real. It is just in her head. "Oh, it must be so nice out there, with the flowers and grass. With the people. It's so boring up here. With nothing." She looks down at the body, her body, for some reason is covered in blood. She looks surprised at her blood-covered body.

Then it faded. The blood was gone. She had scared herself. She was tired of being scared by stuff that wasn't real. Other people saw the world differently, every day was different, with people. She was alone though. She wanted to meet the people from below, she wanted to. She needed to. She could barely move, she needed to go down to the door. the door to freedom. 

She rolled out of bed, falling to the ground. It was a far way down, she made it but with many bruises. She smiled as she saw the door and tried to fit through as it opened for her, but she was too fat. She could not fit through the tiny door. The people stared through the open door with no interest. 

Then, she realized there was no way she could go back to her bed. She was bruised and left on the cold ground. Then, people saw her crying. They laughed at her as they looked through the small, tiny door. But they came in. So many of them that her castle overflowed, bringing her back to her soft bed. 

Then the people left her. She didn't know when they left, they just left. She was sad, even though it was for a short while. She looked out the glass window. "Oh! Glass!" She also noticed the window was a huge window, big enough to fit her. But then, she fell so hard, and no one had caught her...


The people laughed at her. Even animals. Her blood splattered everywhere, but only on the outside of her face. Her head had burst open with salty water. She was dead.
Hold me, hold me by the water,
Tell me, tell me that you love me.
Hate me, pretend that you care.
Take me, away from whatever is here,
Love me, a fall and it's blind,
Leave me, because I left you,
Tell me, you'll find me someday,
Promise me, promise you'll never forget me.
Forget me, because I can't forget you.
Hate me. Because I left you.
It wasn't my fault.
I know who you are in this world. I know every sin you've placed upon yourself and I will always know. Good and evil. I see no good in you. Not in any man. Neither do I see evil. If we are not taught to bow to good, if we are not taught that good is good, and evil is evil, there is no good nor evil. We are taught how to hate. We are taught how to hate someone, and we are taught how to turn that hatred into love. We are taught many things, but we are not taught the basic laws of humanity. We are all born human. It only counts if we end like one. 

You may see this copy somewhere else. original writing. 


4 Answers

+3 votes
by (448k points)
Best answer
Great writing
by (415k points)
+2 votes
by (415k points)

if anyone didn't get it, here are the things I put in here. "Hidden meaning"


~ When I say she has no eyes, she has eyes but she doesn't use them. 

~ When I say, "So perfect, a Queen must live inside." I Queen is often dynamic, outside she is seen as skinny and pretty. When i say this is her castle, I mean her body is so huge to her, she is lost inside of it. 

- You might notice I said she is eager to get out of her castle, but her body is too plump to move, and I referred to her being lazy and almost suck in her position. But that is only in her head. 

-"She rolled out of bed, falling to the ground. It was a far way down, she made it but with many bruises. She smiled as she saw the door and tried to fit through as it opened for her, but she was too fat. She could not fit through the tiny door. The people stared through the open door with no interest.  "

She realized people would not come to her aid, she only made herself weaker by opening doors. She felt saddened me the thought, but as people start coming in she feels much better. But it only lasted seconds before she lifted to her isolated comfort zone and they all left. She was back to being sad.

-She then went to desperate measures to feel what others felt, to be normal and happy. She saw the window and with no hesitation, she had fallen to the ground of the tower. People laughed at her.

-When i say her head had broken into the water, it was all her tears coming at last. But it was too late because she was already broken. 

Short summary. But I'm going to let you figure out what's happening, this is all up to you. 

Also, the last bit is a little of what I call own thoughts of the world. Do you think God doesn't answer us because he even fears what he has created? A commonly asked question. But we taught ourselves how to be monsters. 

+2 votes
by (1.34m points)
That was deep.
by (415k points)
Thank you. I am doing two of this soon. More detailed, this was just a short little thing of the idea.
by (1.34m points)
by (415k points)
by (1.34m points)
by (415k points)
by (1.34m points)

The weird face
by (415k points)
-_- lol
by (1.34m points)


+2 votes
by (375k points)
That is very interesting!
by (415k points)
Thank you.

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